s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Yoz|oz\...hahaz updating this blog from Heng Chun Camp in Taiwan!!!:) hahaz n no they dun actually give us free tie to use e coms dere...it's bcuz we pia for our navigation execise n came back one day earlier!!:) so it's like most of e groups r prob freezing out dere in e cold Taiwan forest whilst e few teams that managed to come back will be sleeping in beds in bunk:p Anyway we truly deserved it because we really pushed to finish early and come back today...it's like e first day we found our first checkpoint at 1030 but after tt got lost until 2000 finding our 2nd checkpoint...we left the area to find shelter for e night (at a kind taiwanese garage...super fun!) but the next morning we went back to e checkpoint e next day n searched for another 2 hours b4 finding it...true fighting spirit right! 12 hours of finding! Den after tt we pushed all e way to find e remaining 2 checkpoints 1 log point and 1 end point in a single day...walked like 10+ km but it was worth it man...

anyway gotta keep this short cuz they charge NT$10 (S$1=NT$19.3) for half an hour of use n my time is almost up...hopefully got time to come again tml...hahaz