s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Monday, February 20, 2006

Now I'm looking forward to this show next month!! My Girl and I...hahaz I'm not love-sick or anything in case your r wondering but juz tt Korean movies r esp gd at this genre...=)

To carry on my update on my weekend...well I went shopping on Friday! hahaz the ever razor-sharp eyes of Wayne spotted an advertisement on paper about Royal Sporting House (JP) having a clearance sale...things were like up to 60% off so even though Jurong Point is right on the other side of our tiny island I decided to go dere anyhow to check it out...hahaz and i ended up buying two sleeveless bball tees, bball shoes and a bball itself - and all for a mere $130! it was a really gd buy ah...n juz nice i found a bball court near my place recently too...so can go dere play some ball, thrash some ah bengs...hahaz!

den on Saturday I watched Season for Love...

Sunday went to play bball wif e gang...after tt went PS den saw Sherman...hahz his sisters getting prettier liaozz nehz...esp e oldest 1z...last time i see her she still quite bui2 1z...den after tt me n sherm nothing to do den we watched Jarhead...hahaz typical US marine flick ah...hilarious at certain parts...it did have a very interesting probe at e end thou...this guy, swoffers, he's a volunteer n was deployed to kuwait to drive out iraqi forces...however, during the occupation dere...about half a year, he didn't even get to fire a single shot at an enemy...n in his words, they were just "walking around in the sand, masturbating, playing football, and masturbating some more..." and when he returns he tries to make sense of juz what the hell he was doing or had accomplished during his 6 months deployment dere...

After e movie...played some more ball at Sherm's house dere!!=)

woke up this morning with aches all over *sigh*

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Yesterday went to watch a Season for Love at Cathay Cineleisure...hmmmzz dunnoz yz 8 Days give 1 1/2 star only leh...i think it's a really SUPER SUPER gd show ah!! It's very light and funny and sweet and a little mushy throughout the show but den hor the ending is tear-jerking sia...can hear more like a quarter of the theatre sniffing...


A SEASON FOR LOVE chronicles the lives of four very different couples as they deal with love, loss and life in romantic, loosely interconnected stories -- A 30-year-old fire-fighter looking for just the right ring for his fiancée; A long-term relationship between a guy who cannot find a job and a wonderful and long suffering woman who is beginning to tire of their relationship; An 8-year-old boy who desperately misses his career-minded mother; A deaf girl with a terrible burn on her face falls in love with a painter, dreaming of a perfect love. All of these situations are filled with heartache and sometimes despair, but like love, it comes in many forms. In many ways, love must end for it to begin again.

I like the gal in the bottom left picture the best! She is this mute gal who falls in love with this artist who always paints in the park where she works as a mascot...but den cuz she has a terrible burn on her face so she doesn't reveal herself to him and instead communicates with him thru e mascot...den she is really super cute! Although she is mute but den she has a very sunshine personality and she is v v playful...constantly teasing e artist and her future brother-in-law (guy top right) hahz but it was v sad e way it had to end *sobz*...anyhow she's e gal of my fantasies now man!=p wanna get e dvd...hehez...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Today is Total Defence Day! Come, let me test u...wat r e five defences that make up total defence? For the answers, please visit the MINDEF website! Hahahaz my sis was telling me how they had to execute drills in the event of Singapore being attacked...closing windows, running to bomb shelter, gathering at hall to take strength etc. etc. She thinks it's all in gd fun, since it eats up a half day of lessons anyway...I'm not tt hot about total defence either but I really hope the drills will carry on bcuz tt means Singapore is safe and we r merely practising drills=)

Total Defence Day comes after the most expensive day of the year...Valentine's Day! It is probably one of the few reasons yz first quarter economic growth always records a positive...which happens to coincide with the announcement of the General Elections as well...Anyway, Ying Ting was telling me she doesn't quite understand what the fuss about V-Day is all about as there isn't really any significance for lovers to celebrate anything on that day and if there was anyone celebrating it, it shud be the "con-men" of Lee Hwa/ Soo Kee/Tian Po/ Hallmark etc. who have tricked many a gullible boyfrenz to shell out their wallets (OK YT didn't actually say the part bout the con-men...)...bcuz judging from all e radio dedications i heard tt day...all e gals said tt it didn't matter their boyfrenz buy expensive stuff or wat all they ever wanted was just to spend some quality time wif their bfs...so...well but den again i remember ying ting telling me tt when gals say they dun wanna sth...actually they want it badly but they juz wanna test ya...n like any test if u didn't get it den u will minus marks lor...Guys take note!

On a more serious note, I think tt V-Day would appeal to certain sectors of society...like high-flyers who barely see their homes bcuz they fall asleep immediately when they go back let alone see their loved ones...or perhaps long distance relationships...bcuz this day gives dem an occasion and reason to put aside all b4 dem and take time to celebrate or re-kindle e love or juz spend time wif each other...anw cheers to all couples!

Today I went running...met a guy which looked like a secondary school kid who was running too juz in the opposite direction of me...n as we were running in circles we kept passing each other...den as we exchanged looks, we unconsciously started going faster...trying to compete who went faster...we tried to pass each other's speed and after we maxed out at around e same speed so we decided to juz keep running on see whose stamina last longer...hahaz den in e end we decided to end it around e same time! i finally stopped n took a cool down round n i didn't see him anymore either...hahahaz but he made a gd running companion/opponent today...pushed me hard=p

Saturday, February 04, 2006

hahz...gosh haben touched this blog really long...having a tough time clearing e cobwebs from it...

Today I went to watch Fearless, inspired by Lawrence who gave such a rousing appraisal of e movie, tt I specially went out to watch even though it was raining outside...n it is really quite gd...Thou the storyline is quite straightforward but I liked the simple yet powerful message that it was trying to send out...Tt you do not gain a person's respect by dominating him, u r not no. 1 juz bcuz u have a higher level of skills than everyone...For people to acknowledge u willingly as the best, u not only have to achieve the highest standards, u also need to develop strong moral fibre, because this means u have not only mastered other people but yourself, which is often one's greatest enemies. To not master oneself, u will end up your greatest enemy, which is what happened to Huo Yuan Jia in e show. He was Tianjin No. 1 pugilist, but he failed to protect his mother n daughter. When he showed mercy to his opponents, he gained the respect of his opponents because they acknowledged his skills and more importantly, his ethics...Some of the quotes I liked
1) Pugilistic meets should not be about killing people, but about meeting people.
2) Do not think of revenge, for bloodshed will only lead to more bloodshed...instead strengthen one's skills and morals so tt one can defend oneself n help defend others as well

I would also like to mention sth about pple weighing themselves in gyms...juz today when i was at the gym doing some weights n stamina training, i practically saw EVERYONE weighing themselves before and after exercise, which includes young women, tai tais, middle aged men with pot bellies and even young men in their 20s! It is saddening and appalling to see tt people go exercise purely to lose weight or to improve their aesthetic appeal and not to keep fit and ensure that their bodies are healthy...they r probably like "wah CNY jia4 ka4 zhui3 hou3 liao3, bui2 liao4 muz go exercise" den if they dun eat much they dun exercise! like tt how to healthy...Sad sia...den even if u want to exercise juz to lose weight...i feel like asking dem "u expect lose how many kg after 1 gym session? e exercise u do juz gd enough for warm-up only man do for 1 whole month also wun lose weight de lor...dang2 gu4 man! people these days ah...juz concerned wif looks ah,whether handsome or not, whether got baby fat or flabbiness...scared fat dun eat! Donate all ya food to e Africans they will be very happy de...win win situation mah...they not hungry u not fat!