s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Friday, May 14, 2004

h|yo boyz n gals, man and beasts, the living and the non-living...let me present to you a recent major phenomena...my blog is re-launched!! Wahhahaz excited not? Your had better be...for if u dun...I can't be bothered anyway:p hahaz I 4 1 am quite excited lah...long time since I blog le neh...however, got some expectations 4 this 1...really wanna a layout tt I really like n wun change in millenias...I'm real fussy over blog layouts n I wun blog unless I absolutely like the layout...but yeah dun really have any ideas in mind at e moment so think u can expect some real heavy maintenance work over here for the next few weeks *be careful of falling debris*! =p

~Phew~ It has been sortuv real hectic e last few days or so, n bear in mind tt I'm not even a 4 subber n i'm not taking History either...so yeah congrats to all who made it thru this week still in a ~SANE state of mind~=> hahaz I've gotta catch up on all my back-log tutorials neh (esp. Math n econs)=p...this week hasn't been real productive cuz I'm feeling unusually fatigued...it's a mere chore to even keep my eyes open during lessons...I think it has something to do wif my sweaty palms prob but hope it isn't as serious as before...*sigh* tsk tsk only myself to blame for not watching my diet...think I'll see e doc today...n well cold stuff's definitely out for me for e whole of this month *no desserts n ice cream*=(

Went with Sin Yee go Soup House at Raffles City Shopping Centre today...hahz so dumb 4got it is at City Hall and I was ALL prepared to go Raffles Place...think Sin Yee got stunned when I suddenly walk into e MRT at City Hall=p Anyway tt place is a real cosy little place...thou I wish it were bigger and got more of e nice couches=) We had this clam chowder in bread bowl...well, e clam chowder wasn't too bad...reminds me of expensive campbell soup(cost $7.50)...but e bread was e fascinating part...it was literally in e shape of a bowl...n well after u finish e soup u can cut up ya bowl and eat e yummy grain bread=> Hahaz Nic should like tt place..it belts out classics tt he juz loves and it's not esp. crowded...will make a gd place for *ahem ahem*=p hehez

Life has been real gd...n I wish nothing will ever change...

~Sweet Dreams to All~


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