s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, May 23, 2004

h|yo d|ary...hey e infusia concert finally over le!=> hmmmzz guess e more significant meaning of tt sentence is wat Sherman said, no more practice le! hehez not tt we practised much anyway...we went like 3 sessions of SE n 3 rehersals only before e concert?!? Yeah but to say e least...e overall experience was gd lah and not e dreary n bor|ng stuff tt I thot it out to be...got to constantly horse around wif Sherman during rehersals (juz like in e old sec days)...e overall music was gd (esp. e combined pieces wif CO)...n I got to know nice guys like Xiao Xin n Shawn n e TSD gal (4got her name!) Playing violin in a group is also quite fun too...e music's a lot better...n of cuz u can get away wif more mistakes cuz dere r many pple playing!:p hmmmzz I would like to give a special mention to e CO conductor...he's made e experience for everybody tt bit more pleasant wif his constant humour during practices n rehersals...n seriously he is 1 heck of a gd conductor...e success of e concert was largely bcuz of him...he really brought out e best in us n his antics during e concert really brought huge laughs to the audience...n i think it'll be those moments of humour tt e concert will be remembered 4...saw him waiting for a taxi after e concert...really wanted to praise him 4 a job well done...but in e end we merely exchanged greetings (too pai se lah i think cuz i didn't know him tt well) but e next time i see him i promise to convey my message to him...he is already a bit like a music icon in my mind already:p

Also want to give special mention to Sin Yee's encouragement cookie...Dear e cookie was DELICIOUS *yummy* n of cuz not forgetting all e care n love tt went inside which made e cookie all e more sweeter=) Mabel surprised me wif a nice pink rose too...thanx...only prob was I didn't quite know wat to do wif it after I got home!=p (my mum has put it in a bottle 4 me)

Time to catch up on my tutorials le...cuz now I really have nothing on hand apart from studies...I could really use a few contagious hardworking bugs flying around sia...esp. those from Yos Pang!! She sometimes finishes her tutorial even before e lec teach finish! seriously quite shen2...*sigh* like wat Sin Yee said...dere's really no excuse 4 me not to be able to keep up wif e tutorials in class esp. now when I'm only doing 3 subs...so yup i will promise 2 work extra hard in e final week of sch!=)

Looking 4ward to band concert now...Sin Yee said it's gonna be loads of fun n i sure dun wanna miss it=>


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