s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Today had half day in sch...or rather in my case it was more like full-day...hahaz lee-ster couldn't make it for first period tut n I had 3 breaks b4 e end of school...so yeah didn't do any work at all!! ARGHZ! feel so unaccomplished...u know...e feeling when u got so much work to do but u really can't get down to doing it due to various reasons (Slackness: 98%, fat|gue: 1.99%, Not Smart Enough 0.01% No Time: Tend towards Zero) so yeah really got to get down to some serious work...I'm aiming for at least 2As and a C and a B3 in GP...hmmmzz quite a v realistic target right? I think it is...I mean it's not as if I dun have e ability plus it's really tt close to prelims I gotta aim higher a bit to give me a gd confidence boost in time for e real big-time stuff...

Went K-Box wif Nic n Kelvin n ~surprise surprise~ Hu|y|ng! hahaz she was juz tagging along i guess...too bad she didn't really sing dere...otherwise i prob got lots more stuff to blog le:p As usual Kelvin was irritating her dere ah...Nic n I were like constantly nudging each other n giving each other e *hey hey juz look at dem=p* look...seriously I think they had e most fun today...yeah n it juz convinces me more tt they r cou*** material=p it's hard to really say wat makes me feel tt...but u juz have to look at dem n u'll know...

Oh n Nic nope i'm not gonna go K-Box tml again!! tiring...hahaz u r a K-Box freak:p...hope ya voucher is still valid thou...den u can treat us next time to e longer 2-7 slot...=>

Had roti prata wif Sin Yee today...really long time nvr eat prata le...*yummy*!!n I still think e prata n teh tarik dere is still e best tt I have eaten so far...hahaz prata is 1 of those fabulous foods tt I have an affinity wif...would gladly make it my staple food...u know like how pple eat rice n noodles wif dishes...yup prata would be my choice!!=> n I'll gladly exercise more juz to ensure e fats dun get to me...

hahaz speaking of fats I have to admit tt actually my appearance has a certain amount of influence on my confidence factor...not tt I look terribly gd or have any well-defined packs to show off (got not so well-defined 1z lah=p)...but den I do want to portray myself as a healthy individual with an active lifestyle n I guess it's partly bcuz of this tt's yz I really love exercising so much=> quite sensitive to flab too...dun wanna look too *properous*...hope to work out a gym and exercise schedule during e hols to make up 4 e lack of exercise after season...

hmmmzz Majest|a is tml...All e best to all 5 band members in our class muz j|a1 you2 wor! hehez esp. to u dear...after all e hard work your have put in I'm sure it'll be a fabulous concert!=>


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