s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Whoo...juz collected my pay today!!=> Wah 2 n a half hundred dollars neh...hahaz juz in time for e holiday season n my m'sia trip where I could really rock e house wif some great shopping! hahaz Wanna see if dere r nice n cheap matching sandals tt I can buy wif Sin Yee in M'sia...we've been hitting on e idea for quite some time le but a combination of lack of a) time b) money c) nice matching sandals hasn't really helped...anybody who got this lobang do tell me! hehez anyway sortuv pampered myself by buying a comic book...but guess it's just rewards for 4 days of hard work in a month right?=p settled my bad debts wif Uncle Matthew too...which means better luck 4 mahjong...which means I CAN MAKE MY MONEY GROW!! Wahahahaz (tt's provided Zurong's Mum dun play n I'm lucky if not I'm better off putting it in a bank to earn interest rates or buy bonds to sell off later) yeah thinking of getting an mp3 player from e Creative Warehouse Sale too...but guess it's not really worth it buying it yaself when act u could persuade ya parents to buy it for u when they r in a gd mood...Hmmmzz yeah watever lah think I'll juz bring Sin Yee out for a gd treat den see how...hehez guess when u have extra cash on hand u tend to spoil ya loved 1s=p

Hmmmzz juz packed my comic books in my cupboard juz realized I really have a humongous collection of comics! According to my estimated calculations...think I got like more than $1000 worth of comics lor...madness if my parents ever knew my stash n tt they cost so much, they r really gonna strangle e life out of me! Think I'll give some away ba4...I've got Slamdunk, Dear Boys Part 1, Ayashi No Ceres, Hikaru No Go, The files of Kindaichi, LOve Hina (gave it to my cousin le) n this set of intriguing san1 guo3 comics tt that is not complete (cuz e series haven finish)...hmmmzz yeah anybody wanna these comics can tell me...I really need to clear a bit of space in my cupboard...thou it'll be appreciated if your dun be free riders n at least offer a nominal fee for e comics=p

Went harmonica concert on Sunday it wasn't too bad lah to say e least...e songs belted out were mainly popular classics or pop or catchy tunes so it helped lighten up e concert up a bit...cuz eh *sorry* to say...e harmonica is juz a tad bland...was a bit amused by e huge bass harmonicas e guy playing it looked like he was eating a huge maize while another looked like he was munching on a hamburger...E conductor stole e show wif his solo performance thou i guess...really intrigued by his superb technique n execution...guess tt was e main attraction of e show ba4...

Soccer finals went 4-1 congrats to dem...*sigh* a bit sad I had to miss out on all e action...shan't say too much since i think lotsa pple will be blogging bout it but well really happy for dem cuz I know e feeling of how after all e sacrifice n hard work put into training u really wish u could actually come back wif sth tt acknowledges ya efforts...n tt goes double 4 e soccer guys...whose effort can't be faulted...who else runs like 10k every training? sheer madness...so gd job guys n all e best to the other CCA finals too...

yup my mum's nagging me to sleep le...so n|tez!=>


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