s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Back from M'sia le! yeah finally can sleep in comfort at night without some pesky bugs distracting me at ungodly hours...hahz e mosquitoes dere r seriously annoying...they constantly buzz in ya ears making a great entrance as thou they r saying "Hey bro, Would u take pity on a starving mosquito n be so kind as to make a bloody donation?"...actually I wouldn't have mind taking pity on a coupla poor mosquitoes...but goodness it seems like it's like Lady's Night every night...I've got at least 10 over bites all over my body! Too bad they didn't have tabasco sauce dere...(u know e advert on tv)...if only e advert were true...I'd be having fun everyday kicking some bloodsucker's ass everyday man!

hahaz apart from some sleep deprivation e trip was quite fun thou=> went lotsa places...went pulau ketam sight-seeing (crab island), some seaside to fly kite(can't remember wat name was e seaside but it was super windy!) quite fun...den went this fishing park...they had a fishing competition n it was really eye-boggling...e size of those fish...1st prize was 16kg! got some great fishing tips from my uncle too...hope to go fishing 1 day!=> den we also went to this coconut flower restaurant eat seafood...not my first time dere actually...but really i can't get enough of their superb coconut wine! hahz too bad e coconut in it spoils within a day...if not I'll have packet like 10 bottles back everyday drink=p e seafood dere's great too...hmmmzz lazy to write everything down in detail now...mebbe e next few entries ba4...

Watched Shrek II wif Sin Yee on Thur...n some of her band mates...wanted to watch troy actually but it was sold out...nvm i bought e DVD in m'sia le...hahaz anyway shrek II is a super funny show...Puss in Boots is my fav character in e show! He is really super super cute...really funny esp. when he gives e *pitiful* look...den Shrek was like "Orh, I juz have to bring him along" den he really annoyed donkey e whole way...v funny! Hahaz...muz watch 4 those who haben...v worth it...=>

Hmmzz 11 le...think I'll juz make some small talk wif Sin Yee b4 going to sleep...n|tez everyone!=>


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