s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Hahaz feeling in a gd mood today I made spaghetti today for dinner!=>...finally putting gd my promise to seriously brush up my culinary skills...Was Partly inspired by "Martin Yan's-Chinatown" cooking programme I guess...n of cuz his famous slogan...*Hey If Yan can cook, SO CAN U!* Not tt I actually believe him thou...juz look at e way he chop stuff...even faster than e way i play masak masak last time! bet loansharks see le also scared...hahaz anyway heard e spaghetti was damn gd (my parents said so)...oh yeah...Yan can cook...BEN also can cook!=>

Hmmzz went pilot test yesterday...was a bit like e MAPAS test we took during e medical checkup...but this 1z got other stuff like joystick n e heel rudder...did ok 4 most parts except e joystick parts...juz can't seem to control it properly cuz e orientation of e joystick totally reversed (front means back,left means right,vice versa) got 1 part even had to move joystick n solve arithmetic qs at e same time! quite mind-boggling...hahaz kai yuen later told me shijin juz turnt e joystick around 4 e test....(SMaRt*)

After pilot test went bball bbq at zh's house wif Sin Yee...went dere den realised zh ask pple bring their gals is cuz so tt Kim wun be suspected...hahaz shrewd! e food dere was gd! esp e bbq sambal and prawns and sotong...they tasted heavenly man...couldn't get enough of it hahaz think Sin Yee felt e same way cuz she tried cooking chilli prawns by herself today! *sigh* I tried too actually but found tt got no Hoi Sin sauce at home=( hmmmzz a bit sad coudn't stay overnight to play mahjong...but oh well...


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