s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

hahaz slacked e whole of yesterday n today I'm really scr**ing up my whole hols schedule...Really gotta pick up e slack e next few days...to think I was so proud tt I did quite a bit of work during my trip to M'sia...hahz muz practise my violin lotsa too!

Today went to watch Best Bet...hahaz no surprises lah e movie is still 100% Jack Neo style...e same actors (Mark Lee, Liu Qian Yi etc.), same medium of communication (HOKK|EN!), same style of humour (FUNNY!=>), same producer (Raintree Pictures) etcetc....so yeah if u understand a splattering of Hokkien wif some tolerance for crude humour (got not so crude humour too) this show is a sure hit wif u man...hmmmzz e dialect part is quite important cuz tt's where most of e humour lies...no kick reading e subtitles...den when I was watching e show halfway this senior citizen in front of me actually received a call (unsilent mode) from someone asking him if he wanted to buy 4-D...hahaz real funny...den he was talking so loudly everybody know wat numbers he buying also...den in e end he ended by saying "Haha Fa1 Da4 cai2" ah! Wah e whole cinema stunned den all started laughing...after e movie i realized half e pple in dere were senior citizens...

Hmmmzz but actually e show a bit exaggerated...Jack meant to highlight e ills of gambling in Singapore but dun think excessive gambling is really a social problem in Singapore...at least not in the sense of buying 4-D...I mean if u go casino n come back naked den nothing to say lah...but losing ya fortune on 4-D...not v likely lah...pple who bet heavily may have tighter pockets as a result of gambling but I'm sure they still have enough to feed themselves...As long as one gambles in controlled amounts...there is no reason yz pple shudn't gamble...I mean it generates tax revenue...it will make a few lucky winners happy...some industries even thrive on it! (u think horse racing can survive without bookie money meh? where e jockeys gonna find jobs?) Gambling is juz a form of spending...pple spend this money to thrill, to entertain themselves as well as buy them a hope of getting fast money...i'd think it's very much like investments, in fact it is...juz tt it's a different type of gamble...we gamble almost every moment of our life...when we decide whether to buy sth...when we decide whether we shud cross a busy road(not gd gamble!)...whether we shud skip a topic for test den pray hard hard it dun come out(dun tell me your nvr do tt)...so yeah we gamble all e time there's no reason to stop at e lottery? Pple only get harmed when they deal in excessive gambling...which means they continue to gamble even thou they have lost their capital in the hope of winning it back...this is because after u lose ya capital e risk of gambling becomes so much higher (juz like investments u know, risk calculation) tt it's better to keep ya pockets n not dip into the loanshark's 1...if u abide by ya conscience n dun be greedy dere's no way gambling's gonna kill u...Do remember tt! Best is still dun gamble lah...=>

hahaz hmmmzz going to watch Harry Potter wif Sin Yee tml...really looking forward to it...she got a free tic too...shall ask her subsidise a bit of my tic=p hahaz I'm such a badd|e bf=p Going to sleep le...wake up early do some work tml...n|tez!


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