s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, June 10, 2004

h|yo d|ar|ez...went to watch Harry Potter wif Sin Yee today...hmmmzz not a bad show actually...hahaz remember I was a kid I used to like these kinda books turned movie kinda movies...den when a certain part tt I recalled came...den I'll juz go "Mum...Hey I know this part! I read it in e book!" den I'll juz go blah blah blah...n so on n so on till I can't remember other parts...which thankfully wasn't a lot...Imagine if right now I was this brainy kid who had juz read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban n my mum brought me to e movie...Den I go "Hey Mum...I know this part! I read it in e book! n den "blah blah blah" e entire movie out before each scene..."!@#$%^&* freaking wasted my $39.90 on tt stupid book HP & Prisoner of Azkaban...now also can't watch e movie in peace"...come to think of it...it's really gonna hurt book sales too...but J.K. Rowling muz feel e same way as e mum...

Hmmmzz sin yee went shopping yesterday...bought lotsa stuff at gd discounted prices...mummy pay some more...so jealous! Muz one day drag my mummy go out shopping wif me too...*Mummy I'd like this bag and this and this pants and mebbe an mp3 player n digi camera n blah blah blah* hope u'll be reading tis mum hahaz=p anyway e black sweater tt she wore today was gorgeous...& she bought it for only 19 bucks...nice=> n u know wat...u readers CAN GET IT TOO...with some exclusive tips from me! This is only a 1-time limited offer especially for gals who r desperately needing a good n cheap sweater or guys who do not have holiday allowance n r desperately needing to find an inexpensive yet quality gift for their increasingly demanding galfrenz or mothers...
Solution (1): Please pay more attention to GSS bargains on e newspaper everyday...
Solution (2): Please send your cheque or money-order of US$5.99 (excluding GST) to e following address: INEEDASWEATER.COM company P.0.BOX 3.141592654 People's Republic of India...u will get a letter containing all e info u need...u may request half of your payment refunded shud your letter not come within a year...
Solution (3): U can go to Baleno@PS n try ya luck if u can find it...
More bargains coming up in our next entry...so stay tuned!=>


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