s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Monday, August 23, 2004

1 paper down...lots more to go...I dun think I'm ready for exams...when mabel was asking me during assembly if I was nervous for e GP paper...all I could offer was a nonchalant "No"...I even tried to search and dig out any emotions remotely related to anxiety n nervousnessbut found nothing...this brings me to e conclusion tt I'm not ready for exams because if u r sitting for an exam n u've put in adequate effort obviously u will feel a certain innate anxiety as u will want to make all e hard work count and do well in e exams...So it's either I've not been working hard enough or I do not think tt my marks better...hmmmzz reflecting on myself mebbe it's a combination of both ba4...take this GP paper for example...I know I wun do well for this GP paper cuz it was tough...but I also know I wun fail this cuz (I think) no matter wat I can at least grind out a pass...I know it's e wrong attitude to juz be contented to have my marks hanging in a precarious position but I really dun have e mood to do anything bout it...so Let It Be...

Hmmzz the turtle that me n eugene rescued from e bball court has been having an exceptionally healthy appetite lately...e first day I gave it a piece of cai xin dun even want to eat...but today give it a whole bushel of kang kong it settle within a few hours le...hahaz it's really active sometimes it makes so much noise (by constantly banging its container) tt I juz let it run around e bathroom at its own discretion...hmmmzz haben really decided to permanently keep it...Siew Sze's interested in keeping it so i may give it to her (provided u take gd care of it=p) either tt or I'll let it go at Bedok Reservoir...hahaz but a bit she3 bu4 de2 it's really quite cute...hahaz shud look at e way Nic went gaga over e turtle the other time...

feel like playing table tennis now...went Nic's house to play but e table occupied *sigh* anyway Kim Kyung Ah's a really great player! muz learn all her cut moves...

off to play warcraft le...


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