s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

hmmmzz my head was literally swimming today...didn't get anything done...n e weather today was crappy too and had a mind of its own...rained w whole morning...at lunchtime when it finally stopped I thot I finally could get a dose of fresh air I so badly needed and mebbe go arcade play a little mahjong (I'm getting pro at it 50 cents can last me a half hour=>), but after I bathed and changed and all ready to go out it immediately started to pour again...it's almost as if e weather had a tiny cunning mind of its own...

today Ah Peng's b|rd-DaY...happy b-day brother...next time we play mahjong at ya house to celebrate for ya yeah? zao1 cai2 into ya house=p

Hmmzz not tt school's out I've been thinking more n in e process hurting a little more...In e hustle n bustle of school life I haben had e chance to properly have a quiet moment to myself without having to re-focus my energies on much more pressing stuff...So well I'm extremely glad at e solitary moments tt I'm getting now...some pple probably think I am a sucker for taking so long to get over sth tt didn't last more than a few months...or tt now I shud really brush away unimportant things from my mind and focus on my exams...but I think it's bullshit if pple think tt feelings r sth tt u can juz chuck on a shelf when u dun need it n retrieve it when u have a use for it...I mean if u r feeling shitty tt day...everything seems shitty tt day...if u feel shitty tt day n yet everything seems so wonderful and normal I can only come to a few logical conslusions:

i) tt u r not in a really shitty mood
ii) your heart has got a strong safe wif extra locks
iii) tt u r on the IMH patients' list

hahaz OK of cuz I'd say it's dumb if u get totally carried away by your emotions...things have to be done wif e correct balance of intuition and practicality...like wat e Ng said...some things whether u like it or not...u juz gotta do...Yeah of cuz I'll study for my exams but it'll juz be less thorough, less prepared n e process will be extremely torturous...but I'm fine wif tt...if it actually keeps me in sync wif my emotions and I know I'm not deceiving myself by being all happy juz bcuz pple wish me to...tt's wat I think shud be e essence of life...to be true to yourself...anyway back to my main point I'm juz glad to have these solitary moments which I feel I need to allow me to cope better...=>

hahaz wah feeling hungry liaozz...n it's only less than 2 hours after dinner? hahaz hate to admit it but I think there's some disorder wif my digestive system...I ultimately have this unusually huge appetite when I'm sick...like e feeling tt ya stomach doesn't seem quite filled n ya mouth is juz itching for a little smozzle of food...not tt I dun have a huge appetite during normal days but it juz gets better when I'm sick...n if not for some self-restraint (I'm proud I'm able to do tt=p) I doubt if I'll ever stop eating...yeah take tea-break for example...after much self-restraint I still downed 4 slices of bread, 3 digestive cookies, a cup of Milo, a wedge of cheese, a packet of instant noodles, an almost finished bottle of peanut butter...yeah glad I'll be going sch tml...at least can take my mind off food for a while...*phew*

oh yah speaking of sch...all e best to everyone for prac tml


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