s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, August 12, 2004

In e com lab slacking n listening to qi li xiang now...hmmzz I guess when u have 5 CDs all e same style it gets a bit repititive...but nonetheless it's still a great piece of production...hahaz hmmzz have been chatting a lot wif d|d| recently (or rather playing minesweeper flags)...seems like she's settled well in e US...hehez come to think of it tt should be e least of my concerns...she's e only 1 I knew in Dunman who can juz go up to a complete stranger n ask..."Hi, I'm Maris..wanna intro?" so yeah social life shud be pieceacake for her...More pressing questions will be like "How is she coping wif e super-sized meals dere? (yah lor cannot always pig out in front of e TV ah!!)" or whether she has met some nice caucasian guys (i v long nvr eat wedding dinner liaozz lor:p) *evil grinzz* sch starting liaozz muz hao3 hao3 gambate wor...got time i jio u for minesweeper flags tonight:)


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