s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Lost money for my bets this week...next week muz chiong back man...didn't do too bad for fantasy though...5th in the Lee Hsien Long Group:p

wun be going school tml because got violin exams...one word to summarise it *tough*...hahaz yeah muz admit music ain't in my blood...CLASSICAL music esp...hahaz yeah guess I do have to be prepared to be disappointed...this whole 1 year preparing for Grade 8 i'd rate it as one of my most pressurising moments...partly because I really do want to do well in it but more because my parents have really sacrificed quite a bit to pay my fees (Music is Ex man)...but den I'm not e exam-oriented kind...which makes it tougher..plus like what Ben Foo says...To have exams for music is totally an oxymoron because how do you really put into numbers sth tt u feel wif e heart? Of Cuz things like technique and presentation matters n influences a music's quality...but den tt's not e beauty i see in music...

Sometimes the simple stuff pple do for u can really make your day...whether izzit a msg a call a treat a chat...it's tt thot n tt little sacrifice tt really makes a difference...*Sacrificing does not mean that u lose something...it juz means tt u have passed on your gift to someone else* Today a few msgs we shared really made my day...even thou they were mere simple encouragement...but still they felt really sweet...I teared...for I no longer felt alone...

*I thot I could forget you...but it was merely an act of attempting to remove a vital organ from my body...futile and painful...My heart still beats for tt organ...to nourish, to cherish it*


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