s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Recollections of e past few days:
Physics prac was first highlight of e day...chan yang ling was stunned by me during e prac...cuz I was sitting on e left side of e bench which was e electricity experiment...but I didn't know e format of e prac (nvr attend lec) and i happily started to get to work on e first experiment (e clamp 1)...was happily drawing tables and stuff...E fun part came when I asked her where they put e G-Clamp n long ruler for e first experiment...I tell u...e shocked/stunned/disbelieved look tt she gave on her face was...Priceless...nearly collapsed in a fit of giggles...after tt she constantly monitor my progress throughout e prac test liaozz=p

Rucker-puck after prac...it was fun!! hahaz rucker-puck juz means e bballers coming together n play ball lah...juz give it a cool name tt sounds like some street bball competition...hahaz it adds to e fun anyway...anyway it was Best bball I've played in months...


Went out wif Shiqin...wanted to watch 13 going on 30 at first but ended up watching Collateral...quite a cool show...thou there ain't much of a story inside to talk about...but e back-to-back action is fantastic...pretty humorous at times too...esp. e part when Max went to meet Felix...anyway hey hey it's juz 80+ days before ya Nic baby finally comes back...hang in dere!!

Went to play some bball at teck whye neighbourhood after getting my pay...a bit sian they dun have decent players dere...had e satisfaction of nearly dunking thou (rim dere bit lower i think)

haben studied e last 3 days...hahaz due to a combination of Olympic bball, warcraft and great Indian movies on Vasantham Central...I feel so dead now=p supposed to meet sin yee to study today but couldn't make it due to chest pains...yeah tt's gd study time gone too cuz I know I'll juz slack at home now...I guess I'm those kinda persons tt will only study well wif pple who r motivated n focused on studying...myself being 1 of poor discipline and possessing a careless attitude towards academic results I find tt if u study wif focused and motivated pple somehow their focus actually infects u n u concentrate better...Xuwen is 1 I would enjoy studying wif...hahaz those times at e Jurong Library really count as my more productive study times...Hmmzz as for studying wif Sin Yee...well she's really adorable n great company=>...however whether u r productive or not MAY depend on her moods...if she's esp. in high spirits due to a recent outing or if bcuz she has met a new frenz den u can bet much of e time will actually be spent chatting...but she's quite serious most times lah...hahaz also u'll definitely be impressed by her flawless organisation of her learning materials...if u make full utilisation of her notes u'll find revision is a breeze...

studying sux man...I'll go watch some Vasantham Central...


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