s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Monday, August 30, 2004

Watched Fahrenheit 9/11 at Lido today...in case those who still wish to catch it it's still screening...but ONLY at Lido...anyway it's not bad...not your usual kind of entertainment...gets a bit dreary at times (face it, it's documentary) but it still possesses a wicked sense of humour tt makes it pretty amusing at certain parts...have to do a bit of hw on 9/11 to fully understand e film thou (which I didn't=<) Anyway some of e interesting points Michael Moore listed which showed Bush was practising a sort of "double standards" in his handling of e 9/11 incident...

1) MM starts wif Bush attending an elementary scool class in a bid for publicity...at 9:03 September 11...he was informed by one of his senior consulates tt a plane had crashed into the World Trade Tower...but he apparently appears disinterested and continues a reading session wif e elementary class till 9:15...and e one of the explanations tt MM offers to Bush's 12 minute inaction is tt he has vested interests which brings us to e second point...

2)The Bush Family has business dealings and a close relationship wif *gasp* bin Laden's family and e Saudi Royal Family as well as many Saudi oil tycoons...Several incidents listed by MM serve to illustrate Bush's reluctance to adopt a hard approach on e Saudis as a result of his personal relationship with them...
a) on SEPT 13 24 Saudi personnels...many of dem bin Laden's relatives...were allowed to leave US by plane...baffling top US security personnel...
b) Bush Senior was part of a trading group called the Carlyle Group...which the Bush administration had a major share along with many Saudi tycoons...They were then undertaking a project which involved building an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia through the Middle East all the way to Afghanistan (can't remember exact details may have got e locations wrong)...Discussions had been made before 9/11 but Bush Senior blatantly pushed and actively pursued e plan after 9/11...which led to protests as e Americans saw Saudi Arabia as a base for terrorism and they feared any profits made by the Saudis would be used to fund et terrorists...Saudis pulled out in e end...but Bush's warmth towards e Saudis and oblivion to e American attitude raises concern (and a few eyebrows)...
c)A Question of Bush's military credentials leads him to dig out and publish his previous war records...but MM notices purposeful alterations to the original document...of which e most significant is tt of an omitted name of James R. Bath from one of the war records...Bush's purpose was to hide his close relationship with Bath during their army days for fear if Bath were to come under investigation, it would reveal tt Bath had been the one doing trade (illegal?) secretly with e Saudis for Bush...
d)Bush invited Osama's half brother to his house to have a personal chat with him...after 9/11...enough said...

3)Bush's attempt to shift responsibility away from e Saudis...
a) Announced tt Osama Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and tt e Taleban government was harbouring him...Sent all of 11,000 US personnel into Afghanistan to hunt him down...less military personnel than u'd find in Michigan alone...took 2 months to reach Bin Laden's location after intelligence reports revealed his whereabouts...Was it incompetence of e US President...or other reasons?
b) Rejected Congress idea of setting up a research and investigation Committee for 9/11...attempt failed...Bush later suspended e setting up of an INDEPENDENT committee...citing reasons tt spies might infiltrate these committees

4)Bush's attempt to ride on the 9/11 incident to boost his standing and wealth
a) Two days after a company Unical was awarded e rights to build up US defence...Bush announces a proposed hike in defence expenditure...and the Bush family has a stake in Unical...
b) Rode on e wave of terrorism to declare war against Iraq...citing e accumulation of weapons of mass destruction by Saddem...None were found...and Bush den changed his tone saying Saddem had violated human Rights in his inhumanitarian rule of e country...more importantly, US immediately sub-sontracted out building projects in Iraq to major US companies after Iraq was defeated...

5)Other incidents:
a) deduction of wages of US soldiers...and an absurd incident where a soldier had his monthly pay docked by five days worth because he had died on May 26th and did not complete a month's work...
b)Reporters barged in during Bush's golf practice for comments on 9/11...Bush juz threw a "Nations have to stand up to the threat of terrorism" and den asked reporters "how do you find my golf swing?"
c)Out of 300+ Congressmen...only 1 of dem had their children enlisted in Iraq...MM decided to inquire if he could "persuade" more of the congressmen to let their children be enlisted...He stopped them on the streets...gave them brochures and pepped talk dem...thou as expected none took up e offer...

still got other stuff but can't recall dem at e moment...but I think MM's film juz further reinforces my view tt Bush is juz attempting to use e 9/11 incident to increase pple's fear so as to garner support and cement his position in the US by presenting himself as a dependable and firm president...and tt he sux


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