s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, September 12, 2004

...today early morning e first thing I did when I woke up was to read e sports on newspaper...hahaz in case u r wondering yz I would do tt...it juz means I've placed soccer bets!!=> anyway made bout $8 overall...shall treat myself to a little arcade later=> hahaz yeah it's always nice to have juz a little extra cash to indulge yaself in...n a reason to wake up early on Sunday mornings...

anyway more gd news came...in e afternoon CJ called n told me tt all my students have passed their exams...n 2 even passed wif merit!! totally exceeded expectations man...hahaz anyway so happy for dem...and for myself too coz I'm glad I did a decent job on my first teaching job...wouldn't have wanted to disappoint e students as well as their parents who trusted me enough to place their kids in e hands of a guy who doesn't even have e proper paper qualifications to be a violin teacher...yeah hope my own violin results might exceed expectations too so tt I can be formally recognised as a qualified teacher...think my results shud be coming anytime this week...

Arghz...Porkball's Mum got murdered today...so sad...s|gh thot everything will blow over n Porkball n Song Ci could be happily married...hahaz guess they would in e end...but I've to wait till next Sat to find out=<

all e best to those taking prelims...


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