s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, September 09, 2004

hiyo hey e Terminal juz opened today...for those mugging like mad now...make sure u make e Terminal one of e must-watch post prelim movie...hahaz it's really v hilarious...n at certain times quite heartwarming too...n for guys looking for a little eye candy...Catherine Zeta Jones is really striking=> Anyway for those who dunno what this show's about...it's about this guy called Victor Navorski who came to New York from Krakozhia (real country)...but during his flight there was a military coup in his country...and the US would not recognise the new military regime...which meant that he was stateless and could not be let onto States soil because the US law states tt any immigrant stepping into e US must have e proper travel papers which must include a country of origin...so thus he has to stay in e Terminal...n hahaz tt's when all e fun starts...dun believe e straits time rating of 2 1/2 stars it's a great show...

going to Sherm's house again tml to play table tennis=> so looking forward to it...hahaz...Adios...


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