s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am feeling rather distracted and anti-social lately...e kind where u juz keep to yourself and dun wish anybody to bug u...n u tend to feel listless at most times n juz slack around aimlessly for e sake of whiling time away...anyway it's not gd cuz it's stalling my efforts to get into "WORK" mode...I wish I was like a machine where u can literally change modes by juz a mere flick of a switch but yeah it's juz too bad I'm human...anyway I seriously need to get into work mode because I did next to nothing for prelims it's high time tt I did sth to catch up wif e others who r making me look bad wif all their "A"s...Hmmmzz but again since I've been slacking around aimlessly like I have for e last 2-3 months...wat's a few more days?=p I guess there really isn't much to choose considering in this instance there is only 1 right path...but yet somehow I'd really want to see wat lies along this other less-trodden path...I guess curiosity kills a few cats from time to time...but I have precious little to live for anyway...

Went cycling yesterday...sneaked out during my 3-period break n went to e park to rent a bike...hahaz it's been long time since I went cycling...n it was fun!=> Weather was perfect...the rain had juz stopped and it was extremely breezy n it was juz wonderful feeling e wind beating down on ya face...got a bit ambitious and cycled all the way to the National Sailing Centre...which ended in disaster as it started raining again n i had to rush all e way back...got soaked real bad...

hmmmzz nothing much unusual today...except tt e table tennis table at Caleb's church collapsed when we were playing halfway...n we vowed nvr to go back again (too pai se)

Loyalle's treating me to lunch tml...going to be interesting *sly grin*


  • oi i treating u bcos last time u brought me to taste duck rice then we forgot to pay...my big mouth =O not bad u cycled to national sailing centre and back, v strong ah...i miss cycling on justin's bike =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:20 AM  

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