s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Thursday was Games Day...supposed to be in school for Lee Keng Hua's small group discussion but everybody decided not to come and I went to check out e Warcraft tournament instead...hahaz it was damn amusing...e first thing I saw when I went in was Tony soloing a Level 6 turtle with a Crypt Lord...needless to say e Crypt Lord died (like duh)...n half e V23 who saw it erupted into laughter...hahaz I dunno it seems he has actually deproved after 6 months of training...

Friday was farewell assembly...hmmmzz dun feel anything much actually...hardly surprising considering e large amount of time I DUN spend in sch...and even if I do...I'll be either slacking in e com lab, sleeping in e library, or eating bee hoon in e canteen...i think since zurong's mum opened I've eaten more bee hoon e whole of this year than I have e last 17 years=p guess e only thing I'll miss is bball...it's prob e only thing tt I've fought for e school at all...It's strange and perhaps sad tt I dun see VJ specifically as a place..."a place tt has helped me learn n grow"...it's more of I'm juz treating JC like a process..."I'm juz going thru JC to get to the next phase of life"...Tt's yz I dun do mass dances, I dun do cheers, I dun take part in college events, n I dun normally go to support e different teams representing e school...It's not tt I dun like e school or anything...but I guess I'm those kind of person that dun tend to attach themselves to anything unless it instils myself wif a sense of belief and inspiration (bball is 1)=>

Still dere's lots to remember during my time here...n my best recollections will perhaps be wif e class...

Cheryl: Got to know her originally as Nic's "Raffles" crush...Apparently she was damn scared of me at e beginning (Do I really look like a gangster?:p) only started talking to her near e end of her singlehood when Mervin was chasing her...still remember her asking me "Wat do guys look for in gals?"=p Anyway she's a bosom frenz tt has helped me thru some low times n I'm grateful for tt...a very useful frenz too...can borrow lotsa stuff (esp. P.E. kit) from e junk store they call e "band room"

Glenda: Well after Cheryl definitely muz come Glenda! hahaz they r almost like sisters...hmmmzz also sort of got to know her as Nic's Crush too...she is e master of e art of ponning (n sleeping)...not juz for her ability to skip lessons but for her ability to do well without attending lessons! *sigh* muz teach me next time!

Siew Sze: hahaz like cheryl she was kinda terrified of me last year too...was my OG mate but didn't really know her till end of last year...got one time often went wif her to look for good food haunts along e Siglap area...and sometimes we would have gatherings wif e class to eat yong tau foo..has an appetite tt's inversely proportionate to her size...she can't get fat!! v attractive gal...bet many guys would have eaten their hearts out to know her=p

Sin Yee: Hahaz e shorty!! This is 1 frenz I'll remember vividly for a long long time...can't remember how we got to know each other but apparently e story goes like "I've been sitting by myself in class for a month...I seemed anti-social...n she decided to get to know this guy better n help him integrate better into e class..." yeah sth along those lines...anyway this is 1 frenz tt could really click wif me n I remember how we would chit chat during tutorials during lecture in e canteen on e bus, everywhere...really rare bcuz I'm not 1 really to chat and share and I guess God has been really kind to me...We shared such chemistry tt we could even predict wat e other was going to say next!=> she turned out to be my second galfrenz too for a while...hahaz I'll definitely miss this gal...Somehow life seems a lot quieter now tt I dun see her tt often=p

hmmmzz tt sums up e 4 band gals...think I'll spread everybody out over a few entries...


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