s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Somehow I feel I'm taking my "A"s a tad too lightly...I've identified 2 reasons for it...either I think tt I'm smarter than I really am...or I think tt "A" levels really shud be easier than it really is...anyway I better be right on AT LEAST 1 OF E COUNTS...

Next time when I have children I wun make dem go thru Singapore's torturous education system...I want dem to enjoy wat they r doing, to be motivated about doing sth...They wun be like me having to drag myself out of bed bcuz they should be so enthusiastic about e day's activities tt they can't wait to get down to it...tt's e vision I have n want...Motivation's so lacking nowadays u really almost have to save it n use it sporadically until e big moments...I guess tt's partly from me being lazy n laidback...but really I'm not always e sleepy Ben seen in sch who juz can't seem to keep awake for a 15 min span...I do have my enthusiastic moments...but I guess not for "A" levels (goes e same for degrees, masters P.H.d etc.) I guess it's a little wishful thinking on my part too...considering tt dere is a chance I may not get past my "A"s after all...

In recent weeks I've realised someone around really thinks n behaves e same way as me...in terms or train of thoughts, responses to everyday situations, n innate needs...hahaz n suddenly I dun feel so weird anymore?!:P hahaz nah tt was a joke...but when u read wat's going on in a person's life n see an exact replica of wat u have gone/are still going thru...u really feel for tt person...I'll look out more for tt person in future...

anyway hoped i used e word sporadically correct juz now...GP is in 2 days' time...


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