s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

hahaz firstly to my gd frenz Marcel all e best in Jakarta...take care and may we stay in contact!! enjoyed lunch wif u today...

today was another day wif dreary weather...went parkway to eat lunch wif Marcel...made e mistake of choosing to eat pastamania cuz I forgot tt I promised my mum tt I was cooking today n I would be cooking spaghetti...so it's nothing cheesy n tomatoey for me for at least 1 week man! *ugh* hmmmzz anyway spaghetti's kinda easy n fun to make...juz tt lotsa preparation is needed...tml's my turn to cook again since my mum doing OT...hehez muz go think of stuff to cook le!

anyway well sorta had a job applic rejected today...

hmmmzz n hoped *u* enjoyed ya Subway lunch today!=>

Today's 7th Dec...exactly 1 more month left...Ben MUZ jia1 more you2!!! u dun wanna bring any regrets wif u into army...

31 more days...


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