s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Saturday, December 04, 2004

hmmmzz I've decided to take down e entry regarding prom as...well...e pple who organised it really worked v hard for it n I guess on my part I was never too enthusiastic bout it either...they prob wun see this but thanx to the organising committee...

This month is gonna be a hectic month for me...have put together a fitness program and diet which I've sworn to abide by...

Monday Wednesday Friday- GYM
100 sit ups
3 sets of 10 bench presses
5 sets of dumbbell training
3 sets of 15 chest expanders
3 sets of e thigh exercises (forget wat it called)
3km treadmill

Tuesday Thursday- 10km morning run (from sch to sailing centre)
Afternoon nap in classroom
5 km afternoon run (if still can tahun)
100 push ups

Diet: at least 2 servings of red meat n eggs a day

hmmmzz today's paper got lotsa debate on e setting up of a casino in Singapore...hahaz i say GO FOR IT MAN!! hmmmzz not bcuz I'm an avid gambler kz (as some pple might think=p)...in fact I dun ever foresee myself in a casino...more like in e thick of queues at e 4-D shop on weekends...anyway to put my stand in a nutshell...I feel Singapore...being an EDUCATED society wif close to 100% literacy rate...their citizens shud have e KNOWLEDGE n WISDOM to be able to EXERCISE DISCRETION on how much they can AFFORD to gamble...I admit dere is concern for pple who r unable to control certain gambling addictions but I feel NOT having a casino is not e solution...n e government has no liability to these pple...e extra funding for community projects is a more urgent need...


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