s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Saturday, June 18, 2005

yay service term's gonna end this coming wed n after tt we will be entering professional term and we will add one more white bar to make it 3 white bar! hahaz...hmmmzz knowing our posting on Monday I think...ha|zzz I'm quite hoping to be able to post out actually...though my chances r like 50-50 really...because we r e new crossovers and it's quite likely we will end up in infantry...and I so don't want to stay in infantry because 1)Infantry soldiers really do a lot of Sai Kang!!=(
2)It means I will have to stay in SAFTI...which is $25 cab fare from my house!! 3)Other vocations much more interesting stuff to learn...like combat engineer and signals 4) I will have to train with all the commandos who r coming in in pro term!! v malu ah cuz they all super fit de4=p 5)LANCER exercise in Brunei for infantry is a 3 week killer...unlike support arms where it's merely an orientation trip...actually i have no qualms bout tough training...juz wonder if i'm really prepared for such a trip...

but regardless where i'm posted to...I'll make sure I earn my officer rank well and properly

hmmmzz yesterday was social night for all e OCS wings...our Foxtrot wing was held at Pine Tree country Club...quite a beautiful place...hmmmzz e event originally was supposed to teach us about etiquette n stuff as well as to commemorate e end of service term for us but hahaz turned out to be juz another type of prom night...juz tt it's attended by army guys n they had to have dates...well no prizes for guessing who's my date...Sin Yee of cuz!!=) hahaz took quite a bit of photographs dere...i guess it's not like me to want to take photos but den 80% of our wing is gonna be posted to units and this is really our last formal gathering together before we see each other once again when we commission after 23 weeks...gonna esp. miss my buddy kelven he's going to disrupt for medicine...LUCKY GUY!!! hahaz den lotsa things happen during our social night...first we celebrated valmond's b-day...he had to sing a song for his date...and in turn his date had to give him a b-day kiss!=p den one of our lieutenants proposed to his fiancee in a "special programme" slotted in...it was so unexpected...we were really stunned momentarily but it was really really sweet...den after e dinner dere was a slow dance portion...hmmmzz was planning to skip tt part initially but e MC mistook me n Sin Yee for a couple n got us to get up n dance...hahaz it was really funny cuz I knew nuts bout ballroom dancing n so did sin yee n we were dere trying to get all the hand and leg positions right until we gave up and juz hugged and danced (thou we gave up a few mins after tt too)=p Wing Com danced with his wife really passionately...they muz be really loving bcuz seriously it's not easy to stick with an army man for so long who's not home 5 days a week for decades...

Shall upload pictures of social night up soon...=)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hahz juz finished my first one-half week in OCS...n I'm SHAGGED=( had 7 day field camp...e first 3 days was exercise spade where each buddy pair were supposed to dig 2 shellscrapes n 1 fire trench n den supposed to use e trench to defend our location against the other platoon's attacks...hahaz in e end my trench got overrun n e instructor pronounced me dead cuz my weapon had double feeding n i could not fire back at e enemy=p anyway those 3 days were really v v xiong...slept on average 2-3 hours each night only...whilst e rest of e time was spent juz digging n digging n digging...for those who dunno a shellscrape is supposed to fit ya body length n deep enough so tt when u lie flat nobody can see u from level ground...n a fire trench is this 3m long hole which u muz dig till chest deep den cover with FOPK...hahz but den I got secret weapon...2 RED BULL cans hahz!! hahaz u drink liaozz ah u fill ya power immediately up de4...hahz but den for those who r reading this pls do not try this at home!! my platoon mate calvin (this PJC guy tt REALLY looks like Bryan Low) juz ket drinking e Red Bull den red bull draws a lot on ya body's reserves by stimulating ya body wif plenty of caffeine so he juz kept going at e trench like Superman but den e second day he collapsed from overexhaustion...

e second half was platoon field camp where we learn platoon tactics n movement n we r supposed to attack e other platoon who r now doing their exercise spade...this 1z much more relaxed cuz we got to sleep quite a bit...hahaz e last day when we supposed to attack them i was section commander for my section n our section overran e enemy without any casualties *Yeah@!* but den horz it's cuz i cheat a bit...cuz everytime i see trench i will juz shout *grenade* n lob A LOT OF THEM into the trench when by right 1 section max got like 10 grenades only...hahaz but dun care as long as we win!=p

I learnt from this field camp tt u can really see a person's true colours n a team's bonding when times r trying...like my supposed "buddy"...whom i dun wish to condemn but hope he will learn from e field camp too...n den i got to know a lot of pple really well cuz we all worked together n pulled thru this terrible field camp n in e process bonded v well...i also learnt tt in trying times e first things tt u think of first is more often than not e things tt u cherish most...cuz i found out wat was e thing tt I cherished most...

going for dinner wif *u* tml...can't wait for tml to come=p