s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

hahz juz finished my first one-half week in OCS...n I'm SHAGGED=( had 7 day field camp...e first 3 days was exercise spade where each buddy pair were supposed to dig 2 shellscrapes n 1 fire trench n den supposed to use e trench to defend our location against the other platoon's attacks...hahaz in e end my trench got overrun n e instructor pronounced me dead cuz my weapon had double feeding n i could not fire back at e enemy=p anyway those 3 days were really v v xiong...slept on average 2-3 hours each night only...whilst e rest of e time was spent juz digging n digging n digging...for those who dunno a shellscrape is supposed to fit ya body length n deep enough so tt when u lie flat nobody can see u from level ground...n a fire trench is this 3m long hole which u muz dig till chest deep den cover with FOPK...hahz but den I got secret weapon...2 RED BULL cans hahz!! hahaz u drink liaozz ah u fill ya power immediately up de4...hahz but den for those who r reading this pls do not try this at home!! my platoon mate calvin (this PJC guy tt REALLY looks like Bryan Low) juz ket drinking e Red Bull den red bull draws a lot on ya body's reserves by stimulating ya body wif plenty of caffeine so he juz kept going at e trench like Superman but den e second day he collapsed from overexhaustion...

e second half was platoon field camp where we learn platoon tactics n movement n we r supposed to attack e other platoon who r now doing their exercise spade...this 1z much more relaxed cuz we got to sleep quite a bit...hahaz e last day when we supposed to attack them i was section commander for my section n our section overran e enemy without any casualties *Yeah@!* but den horz it's cuz i cheat a bit...cuz everytime i see trench i will juz shout *grenade* n lob A LOT OF THEM into the trench when by right 1 section max got like 10 grenades only...hahaz but dun care as long as we win!=p

I learnt from this field camp tt u can really see a person's true colours n a team's bonding when times r trying...like my supposed "buddy"...whom i dun wish to condemn but hope he will learn from e field camp too...n den i got to know a lot of pple really well cuz we all worked together n pulled thru this terrible field camp n in e process bonded v well...i also learnt tt in trying times e first things tt u think of first is more often than not e things tt u cherish most...cuz i found out wat was e thing tt I cherished most...

going for dinner wif *u* tml...can't wait for tml to come=p


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