s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My legs r super nua3 now...from yesterday's bball n this morning's macritchie run...yesterday afternoon's weather was killer weather to play bball man...nearly wanted to vomit at e beginning cuz it was super super hot...even got a minor sunburn sia...but den bball was great yesterday cuz e RI guys came as well...and den Jian Feng and co. came too n we qie4 dem a few games...happy happy=) it always feels gd qie4ing them bcuz they r one of e most skilled seniors we have who still play bball on a regular basis n we always tend to up our games against them...getting more focused, making less mistakes, being more aggressive...it's like a fiery friendly competition...n we always draw immense satisfaction from beating dem...

Anyway Victorians' Day was especially quiet...thot will get to see more pple n teachers...even e supposed "BBall Competition" was scrapped...they had v nice gudie bag thou...inside got this Victorian Day shirt thou which was v nice...it's a plain white T-shirt with a "Shiok" Word on it...den e rest of e door was juz bball lor...anyway juz wanna wish bang a v "Happy B-Day"!=) n take care in Thailand!

This morning went Macritchie Run with Wing Comd and a few other Foxtrot guys...attendance quite pathetic 2day ah...only me Denzel Kelvin Ee Hung n this 55/04 guy which I can't remember his name...e 5km run surprisingly quite relaxed (gd weather i think) after tt went Adam Food Centre makan breakfast n catch up on stuff...

For those who read my blog for movie updates...Munich is thrilling n worth a watch=)


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