s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Yay!! one more day n it's e weekends again!! This coming weekend marks e first week of holidays (or rather the first week of work)...which was a rather eventful week...haben been able to update on a regular basis thou...bcuz of a lack of time...(or mebbe a lack of time management)...

Monday had a bball frenzly wif hall 4...ha|zzz lost by 1 pt...damn sad ah...bcuz they were not v gd...but we played even lousier!! Den my fitness was like shit also...my legs wouldn't listen to me...everytime i try n do sth i will start to wobble den lose e ball bcuz my legs no strength...really v pissed wif myself...going to start on an intensive fitness program liaozz!!

Tuesday had bridge training...got carried away played until 1+...woke up late for work...had to take bus 250...den felt v sleepy in office...lucky encik cheang brought us out of office to do some work...shake e lethargy out of my body...

Wednesday went out wif YP!!=) had to rush back to hostel right after work to bathe n get ready in time...but it was well worth e rush bcuz YP looked really pretty tt day=) She was wearing a very cute white top and her new skirt she bought from VivoCity (hmmmzz dunno what the skirt is called...have seen it b4 but it's different from normal ones) with white heels...like 公主 like tt=) We went ajisen ramen at PS for dinner...

*My Tom Yam Ramen!!*

*YP enjoying her beef ramen=)*

*Candid photo of me eating*

*Mochi Ice Cream!! Swanky Sesame and Pretty Peach (OK so I anyhow create the names)*

After filling our grateful stomachs, went to do a bit of shopping before we went to watch:

OK as the movie reviews suggest (2.5 - 3 stars), this is no Butterfly Effect, rather juz a B-grade movie playing on people's interest in the phenomenon of Deja Vu, however it is a decent watch if u r feeling lazy or bored on a weekday night (only weekdays bcuz e film does not justify weekend prices)...

Thursday was an interesting and fun day at work because we got to go out of office for half a day (for work of cuz!) N Since we were out, our boss brought us to eat XO fish slice bee hoon at Crescent Road for lunch...apparently it is quite a famous stall, and well, the food did not disappoint=) *Yum Yum* The soup was thick and sweet, and despite having a strong XO smell, the taste was not covered by the alcohol...The fish slices were very fresh too and the stallholder gave generous portions...Of cuz with such premium food, comes premium prices...my boss say have to strike 4-D if want to eat it regularly=p After work, we had happy hour at e mess...food was not bad, and I indulged in 2 glasses of beer as well (it's free-flow so dun waste!)=p

1 more day to weekend...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hey Hey Exams are officially over!!! Free as a bird now...need to start up an intensive fitness program to lose e fat and build e muscles liaozz...been eating too much during e exams!!=( n catch up on all my beauty sleep...

Yesterday went to celebrate end of exams at Fengshan Hawker with roomie, Mel n Mel's frenz Jialing...had sambal lala, sambal stingray n fried sotong with rice, den topped up wif chicken and mutton satay and washed down with sugarcane juice...gosh all so sinful!!

*Yummy!!* Sambal Stingray!!

Sambal LaLa

ch|cken n mutton satay

jw do|ng Ichimaru face wh|le eating chicken wing

This was one meal I thoroughly enjoyed!! Envious or not, Wang2 n ZJ?=p seriously a pity your could not come because your could not get taxi=(

Oh and Yee Pei is v v sick in M'sia...hmmmzz muz take care k? Remember to eat your medicine n get well soon!!