s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hey Hey Exams are officially over!!! Free as a bird now...need to start up an intensive fitness program to lose e fat and build e muscles liaozz...been eating too much during e exams!!=( n catch up on all my beauty sleep...

Yesterday went to celebrate end of exams at Fengshan Hawker with roomie, Mel n Mel's frenz Jialing...had sambal lala, sambal stingray n fried sotong with rice, den topped up wif chicken and mutton satay and washed down with sugarcane juice...gosh all so sinful!!

*Yummy!!* Sambal Stingray!!

Sambal LaLa

ch|cken n mutton satay

jw do|ng Ichimaru face wh|le eating chicken wing

This was one meal I thoroughly enjoyed!! Envious or not, Wang2 n ZJ?=p seriously a pity your could not come because your could not get taxi=(

Oh and Yee Pei is v v sick in M'sia...hmmmzz muz take care k? Remember to eat your medicine n get well soon!!


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