s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Friday, July 30, 2004

Pon the whole of school today to go for Xian Liang's cremation...sigh it was really v v qi1 liang2...wun go into details but juz hope tt his family is coping well...

Went to watch House of Flying Daggers wif Viv, Bang, Chan foon after lunch...wah lau it's a damn freaking lousy show lah...watched till I fell asleep halfway...lousy storyline, lousy dialogue, all Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro do is get their hands all over Zhang Ziyi...e fight scenes r damn lousy too...in e middle of a fight u see soldiers cutting the leaves off bamboos and e knives of e flying sect apparently have radar sensors and r remote-controlled...hahaz all of us ended up laughing at e stupidity of e film...sigh wat a way to spend an afternoon=p

Halfway thru compiling e IBM business forum notes...shud be up soon...

hmmzz tml is Sonata Music House music marathon...they gonna start up a performing space outside e Teck Whye NTUC n get students and teachers to perform in a bid to drum up publicity and attract young kids to join e sch...sigh personally I think it is no more effective than attempting to drive away boredon by watching House of Flying Daggers...I mean come on dere r a dozen better ways to spend a Saturday morning like a) sleeping b) watching Kids Central c) play com d) Watch house of flying daggers...Ok I was kidding bout option d) but yeah...to nicely put it...hope u find a way to enjoy it...

Treated Nic to K Box for his b-day...hope u had fun dude...hahaz I love Harlem's Ming Zhong Zhu Ding man...they didn't have it e last time at k box but now they have le!=> it's juz such a fun yet meaningful song...so deep yet so real...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Went for Xian Liang's wake juz now...hmmzz every1 seemed to have prepared themselves for it le...not so many pple broke down...hopefully our presence will be a source of strength to his family...E 2 testimonials dedicated to him gave me a flitting impression of his last moments here...really inspired by his strength and his faith in the Almighty...he even dedicated a poem to his frenz to tell dem to be strong (hope I can get it from some1 to publish here)...I feel it's such a cruel fate...only 18...dere was so much he wanted to do, so much he needed to do, but yet time did not permit such luxuries...to think tt when I last left Dunman he was still a strong and healthy Scout wif bundles of energy to match...how much a year can change...but the worst pain felt has to be those that he has left behind...I hope they cope well...Xian Liang would have wished dem to...

"While some pple lie on their deathbeds fighting for their lives and the right to live, yet there r foolish others living who entertain the thought of death." Life is so porous and fragile...so pls treasure it...it's a privilege to live...and privileges can be taken away as easily as it can be bestowed upon...

Take care.


Hey although we may not have known each other very well during our Dunman days, but I really wish all e best for u...have a safe journey n may e Gods bless u...your bravery n strength have really inspired me...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Yeah the icy feeling is starting to creep back in again...feels surprisingly snug though...almost feels like home...hahaz I'm starting to creep into my shell again...building a fortress around me...but yet I know not of what I'm protecting myself against...

I hope I have e s trength to keep e fire going 

Friday, July 23, 2004

Hmmmzz ZH was asking me yz he nvr see me in lec for so long...hahaz dunno wat to tell him too...it's not e first time he ask le...

hmmmzz anyway to Nic reading this...hey anytime u wanna relaxing...juz say e word man...we can go lan, eat tom yam soup, go have drinks...certain things r juz not worth our means to bother

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hmmmzz it seems like I'll have to grow up soon...or I may regret not doing so now in e future...

Monday, July 19, 2004

Hey man Dick Lee is my new idol now man...My Singapore Idol=> n I'm not gay...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

h|yo today went to e Si Ma Lu temple at Bugis to pray...hahaz yeah I know it's kinda wrong cuz I'm actually a Catholic by faith but den seriously I kinda find a stronger consolation and comfort in Buddhism...so well juz hope I haben offended any of e Gods up dere *sorry sorry orh*...originally planned to go alone but den Siew Sze was kind enough to accompany me dere cuz I dun really know temple rituals plus i also not v sure how to get dere...hmmmzz she changed a bit wor...she nvr ask me to treat her to ice cream juz now!!=p hahaz nah juz kidding...but den well sure felt better after e visit...Su Wern's right...I really had to help myself first...n this time for once I felt tt I nvr could have done it alone...I feel e flame rekindling...N I hope someone can help keep it burning...

Today went to e Si4 Ma3 Lu4 temple at Bugis to pray...Yeah I know I'm supposed to be Catholic...Ben Foo even offered to pray for me (thanx thanx=>) so tt I dun need to go to e temple...hahaz he's a devout Christian tt guy...but den juz felt like going lah...went with Siew Sze cuz I dun know how e temple rituals go...n she wanted to pray for some stuff too ba...hahaz i was amazed at e number of pple dere sia...I mean it's a weekday afternoon! but den siew sze says it's much worse on weekends (oh gosh)! think they r mostly voluntarily unemployed who everyday go dere pray to strike lottery ba4...hahaz nah I'm kidding actually...I dun think most pple r so eh...superficial...anyway I do feel better after e visit...as thou I'm a new man again...really needed this tonic...really needed to wipe e slate clean in order to look forward...Su Wern's right...sometimes to help others u really have to help yourself first...For Once I have to admit that I could nvr have handled this alone...thanx peeps!=>

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...delicious
Your hugs are...warm
Your eyes...light up a day
Your touch is...heart warming
Your smell is...beautiful
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...everlasting
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