s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

hahz yeah...to continue from my previous entry...hmmmzz Mr. Ng told us a story rntitled "The Day that Freddie the Leaf Fell" (or sth) as a sort of farewell gift for our last CT session...it's one of those books satirising the process of life and i muz say I'm impressed by the author's ability to capture the essence of life in a few simple and meaningful words (it's a children's book, and oh yah e author's a P.H.D though I can't quite recall his name) Mr. Ng teared near e end of e story...I suspect this is due to some regrets he had in e past, which makes him feel inclined to communicate to us his views on life (hahaz hmmmzz dun kaypo so much)...In our pursuit up the material and societal ladder...there are times when we will start to fall back, when we will start to lose focus and lose heart...it is during these times that we ponder the purpose of life...And it is only after pondering and appreciating the essence of life will we have renewed vigour to carry on...The thing I admire about Mr, Ng is his ability to live life honestly, fulfillingly or in Chinese "tan3 shuai4", to live life as yourself...and I admire his courage too...it takes a brave man to cry

Hmmmzz as it's e last CT session, we took some photos too...Hmmzz I dunnoz yz but I still can't get over my innate distaste at taking photos...Actually I like photos a lot and I think they r an essential part of keep lasting memories but it's juz tt I dun like seeing myself in dem...and most of my photos turn out crappy anyway...most of the feedback by pple on my photos r mostly like "Yz u look so fierce?, wah going for gangfight izzit? u look like communist leader..." hahaz I dunno mebbe I juz hate myself...

Sat was Open house...long time since I played some competitive basketball...anyway it was damn fun...after tt went Suntec Convention Centre some "Kuali" Restaurant for seafood buffet...hahaz I dun really dig seafood actually but ended up eating quite a lot act=> like duh lah of cuz it's $25 a person I'll nvr forgive myself if I dun make it worthwhile=p anyway Zurong n Peng kanna niao like siao by all of us during e buffet, esp. Ah Peng...really damn funny...dunnoz yz but it's always e 2 of dem tt's e butt of our jokes...

hmmzz Manchurian candidate opens tml heard it's really gd...after some light-hearted shows like Wimbledon and White Chicks e last few days I think I'll go for a more hyper movie...

I'm missing you so much right now
Because you're not here with me
I long to be enclosed in your arms
This, I wish to be

It seems like others around us
Are making us wait so long
They judge what could become of us
Is there a chance we could prove them wrong?

It doesn't matter, I really don’t care
About what they think about me and you
All I know is we've come too far
To let our feelings fall through

I'm always thinking about you
More and more as the days go by
Waiting till we see each other again
Together, you and I

You say that you care about me
And I trust you with my whole heart
I just want everything to turn out fine
So we won't have to part

Only time will tell our destiny
If we're meant to be, me and you
All I know is my feelings
For you will ever be true

As I look into the night sky
I wish you weren't so far
I wonder if through the miles away
We are wishing upon the same star

Tonight before I go to sleep
I think of all we've done
Laughing, smiling, becoming more than friends
discovering you were the one


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Thursday was Games Day...supposed to be in school for Lee Keng Hua's small group discussion but everybody decided not to come and I went to check out e Warcraft tournament instead...hahaz it was damn amusing...e first thing I saw when I went in was Tony soloing a Level 6 turtle with a Crypt Lord...needless to say e Crypt Lord died (like duh)...n half e V23 who saw it erupted into laughter...hahaz I dunno it seems he has actually deproved after 6 months of training...

Friday was farewell assembly...hmmmzz dun feel anything much actually...hardly surprising considering e large amount of time I DUN spend in sch...and even if I do...I'll be either slacking in e com lab, sleeping in e library, or eating bee hoon in e canteen...i think since zurong's mum opened I've eaten more bee hoon e whole of this year than I have e last 17 years=p guess e only thing I'll miss is bball...it's prob e only thing tt I've fought for e school at all...It's strange and perhaps sad tt I dun see VJ specifically as a place..."a place tt has helped me learn n grow"...it's more of I'm juz treating JC like a process..."I'm juz going thru JC to get to the next phase of life"...Tt's yz I dun do mass dances, I dun do cheers, I dun take part in college events, n I dun normally go to support e different teams representing e school...It's not tt I dun like e school or anything...but I guess I'm those kind of person that dun tend to attach themselves to anything unless it instils myself wif a sense of belief and inspiration (bball is 1)=>

Still dere's lots to remember during my time here...n my best recollections will perhaps be wif e class...

Cheryl: Got to know her originally as Nic's "Raffles" crush...Apparently she was damn scared of me at e beginning (Do I really look like a gangster?:p) only started talking to her near e end of her singlehood when Mervin was chasing her...still remember her asking me "Wat do guys look for in gals?"=p Anyway she's a bosom frenz tt has helped me thru some low times n I'm grateful for tt...a very useful frenz too...can borrow lotsa stuff (esp. P.E. kit) from e junk store they call e "band room"

Glenda: Well after Cheryl definitely muz come Glenda! hahaz they r almost like sisters...hmmmzz also sort of got to know her as Nic's Crush too...she is e master of e art of ponning (n sleeping)...not juz for her ability to skip lessons but for her ability to do well without attending lessons! *sigh* muz teach me next time!

Siew Sze: hahaz like cheryl she was kinda terrified of me last year too...was my OG mate but didn't really know her till end of last year...got one time often went wif her to look for good food haunts along e Siglap area...and sometimes we would have gatherings wif e class to eat yong tau foo..has an appetite tt's inversely proportionate to her size...she can't get fat!! v attractive gal...bet many guys would have eaten their hearts out to know her=p

Sin Yee: Hahaz e shorty!! This is 1 frenz I'll remember vividly for a long long time...can't remember how we got to know each other but apparently e story goes like "I've been sitting by myself in class for a month...I seemed anti-social...n she decided to get to know this guy better n help him integrate better into e class..." yeah sth along those lines...anyway this is 1 frenz tt could really click wif me n I remember how we would chit chat during tutorials during lecture in e canteen on e bus, everywhere...really rare bcuz I'm not 1 really to chat and share and I guess God has been really kind to me...We shared such chemistry tt we could even predict wat e other was going to say next!=> she turned out to be my second galfrenz too for a while...hahaz I'll definitely miss this gal...Somehow life seems a lot quieter now tt I dun see her tt often=p

hmmmzz tt sums up e 4 band gals...think I'll spread everybody out over a few entries...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

went to watch 2046 wif Shermy today...hmmmzz it's a deep one...this movie...tastefully shot though...wif a clear flow of continuity and appropriate expression of feelings...I guess e 5 years took to edit n produce it did pay off...despite Wong Kar Fai's unsystematic, unreasonable and expensive way of filming movies...his style does give his shows an exquisitive touch...no wonder e ang mohs r always intrigued by him n his shows...hahaz anyway poor Shermy has to watch it wif his gf again...I think he'll die...hahaz u'll feel watching it is a gd experience but e watchability of it is actually v low...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I've played finish my quota of LAN this week (8 hours)...HOPE to do more intensive studying tml...

think I shud cap number of hours of table tennis per week to 4 too...which means I only have 1 more hour to go for this week...

hahaz e new bat tt my mum bought me rocks...

I really like this from Siew Sze's blog

> If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely
> people, with all the existing human
> ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the
> There would be:
> 57 Asians
> 21 Europeans
> 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
> 8 Africans
> 52 would be female
> 48 would be male
> 70 would be non-white
> 30 would be white
> 70 would be non-Christian
> 30 would be Christian
> 89 would be heterosexual
> 11 would be homosexual
> 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth.
> 80 would live in substandard housing
> 70 would be unable to read
> 50 would suffer from malnutrition
> 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
> 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
> 1 would own a computer
> When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the
> for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly
> The following is also something to ponder...
> If you woke up this morning with more health than illness... you are
> blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
> If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of
> imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation. You
> ahead of 500 million people in the world.
> If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment,
> torture, or death...you are more
> blessed than three billion people in the world.
> If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof
> and a place to sleep...you are richer than 75% of this world.
> If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a
> someplace you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
> If your parents are still alive and still married ... you are very
> If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in
> someone was thinking of you,
> and furthermore, you are more blessed than over two billion people in
> world that cannot read at
> all.
> Someone once said: What goes around comes around.
> Work like you don't need the money.
> Love like you've never been hurt.
> Dance like no-one's watching.
> Sing like no-one's listening.
> Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

Yeah...talk bout being tyco man=>

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

hmmmzz have been having knee spasms these few days...I dunno yz it seems to be getting worse now...esp. now when I'm hardly exercising...anyway this might sound ironic but e knee actually felt a bit better though after playing bball yesterday...hahaz it made my body ache all over thou=p yeah anyway hope it's nothing serious...

nothing much to update...have been studying a little n haben lan these few days...tml's GP mock...damn sian yz do they want to give a GP mock e last day before study break? hardly anybody will be in a clear state of mind to attempt the paper anyway...I wonder wat will happen if I choose not to go?=p tt'll be a nice q to ponder over tml...

I've decided I want e Maksim CD after all...d/l e songs juz didn't seem to do jusice to him...will buy it if I make a killing at Singapore Pools this week

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Listening to Maksim now...close to d/l e full album...anyway this album is really gd...general crowd pleasers will be tracks like Flight of the Bumblebee and croatian Rhapsody...which happen to be my favs too...anyway this guy's a real genius...he not only has this ability to bring classical music to e masses by adding a tinge of pop n hip hop interpretation into e peice but his technical ability is juz simply AMAZING man...ben foo can testify to tt...even a toy piano will sound great in his hands...

Today went to Chinatown to eat after finishing my math specimen paper 1 at YMCA...kinda disappointing at first...thot of first going to e zhu chang fen store I went e last time but couldn't find it...den e char kway teow store wif e long queue tt i wanted to try was closed...end up eat mee pok da...hahaz I think after eating Chinatown's mee pok da I'll nvr eat mee pok anywhere else again...

Anyway Teo told me tt these "traditional" mee pok da stores at Chinatown have 1 thing in common...n tt is e use of a certain kind of preserved fish as e ingredient...e fish is used mainly in e soup (guaranteed no MSG added) n added to e mee pok as well for gd taste...also e noodles r nvr too dry n nvr stick together unlike some other stalls...they literally "flow" thru your mouth...whether e noodles stick depends on e cooking skills of e stallholder...hmmmzz Teo say if u wanna kaypoh kaypoh test e stallholder's skills...u order mee kia SOUP n u'll instantly be able to tell (dunno how it works haben try yet)

hmmmzz also found a stall selling delicious teochew dessert...like yam paste almond paste those kinda stuff...a bit ex $2 each bowl...but if u like these kinda stuff it's v worthwhile...