s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hi hi blog!! it's a long time since i seen u!! haha for e sake of my viewership rating on this blog shall blog a long entry today...plus i really got lotsa stuff i wanna say=)

Monday's programming paper can be summarized in one word - bad...bad bcuz I did not study theory and 10 marks of it came out...and the programs, while do-able, were not exactly what i had prepared for...(why did it have to come out strings 4 so many questions?!?) Probably wun get too bad a grade...but juz kinda disappointed bcuz i felt this was a paper tt i could do well in and help to pull up my languishing GPA (Blogger's Note: hahaz actually i dunno if languishing or not la...but I juz assume so tt i can push myself to put in more effort for my papers...As I always say...use taxpayer's money to study ah...muz make their money's worth)...

Wednesday's paper on the other hand...was all cheers=) felt the paper was quite difficult...so felt all the more accomplished knowing that i had e ability to do e paper=) Only regret there was a 6 mark question which i knew how to do in the end but could not quite complete...and if i had spent less time on stats checking might have been able to nick another 2 or 3 marks from calculus...but no complaints...rewarded myself with a movie (a pity nobody could watch wif me)...went to watch mo4 gong1...it is a relatively nice show...definitely worth an $8.50...n Andy Lau is damn seh=) The story itself is a v simple story...I guess what I truly appreciate about the show is its ability to starkly show that however great or learned a person is...he is only human...n while the elite may appear to have a different set of problems from the common folk...actually all humans face the same problem...who to love and how to love, self-gain or societal benefit, the protection of one's self, one's property and one's kin, the constant twisting of reason to satisfy one's barbarism under a perceived justice, the constant weakness of man to distrust others who outshine them, the anguish felt from losing sth precious...I guess all these juz struck a chord wif me...Scenes like how the king got andy lau arrested under counts of treachery bcuz after driving away the invaders bcuz he became more popular than the king...how General Niu butchered e enemy bcuz he felt threatened by Andy Lau and wanted to re-affirm himself in front of the king...how Andy Lau refused to accept gifts from Fan Bing Bing bcuz of their clan's ideology of universal love and thus, did not want others to think that by accepting gifts, they have an agenda or bias or the desire to profit from Mozi help...how this very ideology of universal love was challenged by an amusing cameo black slave when he said that universal love juz meant the Mozi did not know who to love, and that by loving everybody, u love nobody...how the Zhao General wanted to kill Andy Lau under the name of revenge for 5000 men when what was motivating him was nothing of that sort but merely his own barbaric desires...of cuz being a war show...your heart goes out to the common folk who are often merely pieces in a leader's playpen, and sent to die and suffer through no fault of their own but for their leader's foolishness or ambition...and yet they still continue to love their monarch...bcuz he is their monarch and they have e staunch belief that despite all his present shortcomings he will lead them to a better life somehow...It is painful to see how e king abuses this misplaced loyalty put in him...OK shan't say some more least I spoil e show for those now wanting to watch it=p

OK so I am kinda missing the point of my writing this blog bcuz wat I really want to record down is wat happened on Tuesday...e day I decided to pop the question=p...thanks a million Sarah...u made it all possible...I owe u a treat...and angeline as well for really giving me lotsa help n tips=) When I was waiting outside the Audi wif the flowers...seriously I was really truly nervous...entertaining thots of backing out...not helped by pple pointing at me n e flowers...when "u" came out...I thot, "God, This is the time, give me strength" n YES!! All went well...I really hope it was a special nite 4 "u" k...

Thanks for accompanying me walking yesterday=) Gosh I think I m juz falling madly deeply in love wif "u" already...=p

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Juz this month alone I've been hounded 4 times by insurance agents-_-" 3 at Jurong Point...1 at Tampines Mall...for those who go JP often...beware of the LINKWAY from the MRT to JP...

Somehow the logic defies me when I think y am I constantly being approached to do surveys, listen to sales pitches, insurance...etc. etc. etc. bcuz 1) My family doesn't own a bank...bcuz as you know people who own banks are often one of the top earners in the country (think the Khoo Family), if my Dad owned a bank... I will DEFINITELY do my part to fuel Singapore's economic growth by increasing spending and ensuring a more equal distribution of wealth...2) There is nothing on me tt suggests that I am a working personnel or for that matter, nothing on me that even suggests that I even have spare cash on me which I can come out to finance e fat commissions that some of these people earn on top of their basic salary...3) I dun see how e words "I would like to do a survey" always seem to appear on my forehead when e gals in my JC always criticised me for having a very fierce face and I shud learn to smile more often...In a nutshell, I look neither a) rich nor b) having a fixed income nor c)approachable...so y do these pple keep skipping all the well-dressed white collar working population all around and come up to me with surveys and sales pitches?!? I am truly and really stumped...

Back in hostel to mug...My sis is feeling much better tt's gd cuz tt's 1 thing off my mind...Juz 1 more week...I can already see e light at e end of e tunnel:)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today's Cyber Security paper was bad=(...Some questions came out tt I nvr study, like the social engineering question...n some careless mistakes...Now I'm juz hoping for a B+...Hahz dunnoz since when ah everytime I come out of e exam room early sth shitty happens to the paper...Call me "bandang" but all e rest of e papers i shall stay in the exam hall until the exam ends...

Hmmmzz dun really feel like blogging...shall play football manager for a while...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I read a really interesting article in the New Paper yesterday by columnist Ng Chuin Song which I felt would interest most people...The article in its entirety is posted here...I juz hope the New Paper does not sue me for copyright though=p

I GOT married in May this year.

Whenever my campus mates, old friends and acquaintances find out that I am married, one of their first reactions would be, 'Really?', or 'Are you kidding me?!'

When they realise that I am not joking, they will look momentarily confused before extending an awkward 'Congratulations' to me.

Even as they do that, I can see an invisible speech bubble above their head that reads, 'Was it a shotgun marriage?' Some would even sneak a glance at my tummy before letting another awkward smile go.

To dispel the tension, I would merrily say: 'No lah, it's not a shotgun marriage.' This usually gets them laughing before they ask the next question: 'Why do you want to get married so young?'

While it is perfectly legal to be married at 22, it seems to be against the social norm to marry young. Especially if one is still in school.

It seems that it is more 'understandable' if one is married because there is a baby on the way, compared to marrying because one really wanted to.

To be honest, I did not envisage myself getting married before finishing my education either.

Nevertheless, I have defied the unspoken norm that both parties should be financially stable (or at least out of school) before they tie the knot.

Many friends and people that I know in passing would say, 'But you haven't seen the world yet' or 'Ah, so boring to be tied down to a person from now', or 'I cannot imagine myself doing this'.

In short, to commit to marriage seems to be daunting because it stops one from having fun, exploring other options, and meeting better partners.

But when does one decide it is the right time? Is it when one is financially stable, or after one has gone through a few heartaches?

For me, if the rationale is that you should get married only after you have built up a successful career, when do you think it is 'successful' enough?

And if a person's energy is largely channelled to building a career, would there be time for one to pursue a love life?

While others may prefer to have a roller-coaster ride in relationships, I opt for stability.

The reason why I am able to concentrate on other aspects of my life (such as studying and other activities) would be that I do not have to worry about my love life. In times of trouble, I am comforted to know that I can share my problems with someone close and dear to me.

The most powerful reason for me marrying young is, of course, the inexplicable power of love. The thought of building a future together with your loved one makes life a whole lot more meaningful and exciting.

Of course, I admit that there are several 'setbacks' to marrying young.

The biggest one is that financially, I am the non-contributing party and it puts a strain on my partner. It is bumpy, but there is always a way to work something out.

And so, if you have not seen me for some time, please don't give me funny looks when I say I have a husband. Just give me a hug and say: 'Good for you.'

# The writer is a fourth-year political science undergraduate at NUS.

There are 2 points in this article which I fully agree with. Firstly, love does not need to come at the expense of your studies/career. Rather than having to make a choice between them, I feel love actually complements those who r concentrating on building their careers and studies. This is because you are emotionally stable and fulfilled, hence every ounce of energy can be channeled into everyday life, knowing that anytime u feel tired or burnt out, there is always someone whom u can count on to lighten your load...

The second point, How successful do you have to be to settle down? I guess many pple often put off relationships to concentrate on building their careers, thinking that there will be a time when they will be less busy to settle down, when in actual fact work is continuous and can only get more if you keep climbing the corporate ladder...Wat I feel...Everyone has their own views, it is not wrong to want to settle down a bit later when u r building your career especially when u cannot guarantee u can spare the time, effort n energy for a relationship...but i would settle down when I feel tt my partner is someone I'd like to spend the rest of your life wif, and I am in a financially stable position to support my partner...because when u decide that u want to spend the rest of your life with your partner, you will want the rest of your life to start sooner=) As to the perceived notion that marriage is the end of fun and adventure...I'd just put it this way that with a little birth control, you actually now have someone to accompany u to see e world=)

Just food for thought, actually if someone this young told me they were married, i'd think it's shotgun as well-_-"

Couldn't quite sleep after talking to u tt n|te=p Hope e end of exams come quickly!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Once again...juz a quick blog...less than 24 hours to my next paper...and I'm SO NOT PREPARED!! *sobz*

Woke up late 2day...alarm clock did not sound...RATS...did not consolidate all the mugging...but luckily all the questions for the econs paper were relatively understandable (thanx to "A" lvl econs=))...however, after going through the paper with David, realized I made a whole mess of a damn simple question (the four roommates watching videos in the hostel!!!! Arghz!) Dunno about the the other questions, decided not to look at dem to keep my morale high for tml's crucial paper...tt paper goes well, I'll be able to relax considerably for the rest of the papers which are not so difficult=) Still harbouring hopes of scoring maximum GPA for econs, minimum a 4.5...hope everything goes well...

Exams coming are always a very interesting sight, especially for the result-oriented people because it is always interesting to see how they cope and perform under stress. It is possible to see 2 completely different sides in a person when they start to feel the heat...I've certainly seen a few in here already...I guess I have kinda adjusted to the exams in my own way, speaking less, eating more and generally decreased significant amounts of socializing activities...The reason being that I tend to be a more independent worker, who works less effectively in groups, and that a significant amount of socialization tends to bring about mindless chatter and the need to accomodate each other, which is not an efficient way to spend your time and energy...Not when every ounce of it counts now...Hope those who have bad experiences with me during this period pls do not take it personally...As well as for those who have seen the humongous of food that I can down in a single meal, it's juz bcuz I'm hungry...Studying is v taxing k!!=p

Back to CPE101, wish me luck man...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ok...juz a quick blog...i'm slightly more than a day behind my planned timetable=(

Yesterday was a thoroughly wasted day in terms of preparing 4 exams but it was fulfilling in other ways=) Morning we went to eat dim sum at Tung Lok seafood at the Arena Country Club opposite SAFTI-MI...n it was E BEST BRUNCH I've ever had in months!!=)) They've got more than 20 different kinds of dim sums on their menu...from your traditional Steamed BBQ Pork Buns(叉烧包), Steamed rice rolls (虾肠粉, 叉烧肠粉) and Century egg porridge (皮蛋瘦肉粥) to less seen Steamed beef Dumpling(姜葱牛肉饺) and Hong Kong Style sponge cake(吉士马拉糕), and all of |t |s YUMMY!!=) We (8 of us - De Yang, Ky Meng, David, Akshay, Pascal, Me, Jian Wei, Mel) tried all of their dian3 xin1 n even took second helpings of some...n I ate 3 desserts - p|ggY!!=p Of cuz gd food cannot be enjoyed without quality conversation at the table as well, and we had a hearty time introducing all e dian3 xin1 to our non-Chinese frenz Akshay(Indian) n Pascal(French), telling them what each dian3 xin1 contained, and some of the stories behind some of the dishes, like e story about how you3 tiao2 came about (remember secondary Chinese textbook?), as well as some customs adopted at traditional dian3 xin1 stalls, like e hong kong way of saying thanks to a waiter (You actually tap youyr index n middle finger twice on the table). Den Akshay impressed one of the waitresses with his spoken Chinese n coupled with his Bollywood looks, I think e waitress was quite impressed=p

Check out Tung Lok at this link:

Tung Lok Seafood Restaurant

After Brunch, went to Labrador Lifestyle Centre (off Harbourfront) to try Melvin's spa cum facial package...hahaz spa was quite shiok...juz relaxing in hot water with lotsa bubbles...made a boo-boo 4got to lock e door den tt stupid Melvin still try n open my door big big...tt p|ece of sh|t!! den after e spa do facial...first time do facial neh...v v pain!! e beautician Ivy squeeze like 50++ black head from my face=(...but den after tt e mai4 pian4 mask tt she put on my face was quite refreshing...though was a bit tired after tt as it took 1.45 hours. den by the time go guan1 yin1 miao4 close liaozz3=((...think i might make another trip dere on Tuesday...

For those interested in trying Melvin's spa cum facial ($38 for first timers) do let me know k? Bro muz thank me help u advertise ah=p

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hmmmzzz...nvr thot I'll touch this blog again...*clears cobwebs n dead flies* also can't remember e reason yz i stopped blogging in the first place...mebbe cuz there wasn't anything interesting happening in my life...or I juz didn't want to share my life wif pple...Also dunno yz i feel like blogging now...mebbe i juz wanna get in touch wif my inner self...(or mebbe bcuz I Feel so REFRESHED after yesterday's 10 hrs of sleep!!=))

hahaz 10 hours of sleep neh...so s|nful...especially when first paper juz 8 days away and everyone is barely surviving on 4-5 hours of sleep mugging hard...hmmmzz but feeling amazingly refreshed=) Yesterday not juz sleep a lot also eat a lot!! At JP for dinner, ate pig stomach soup and taiwanese black pepper chicken hotplate at kopitiam...chao1 p|ggy!! jw n mel totally stunned by how much i eat...den after tt come back hostel took a "nap"...until this morning 8am...=P

Anyway I have promised myself tt this will be a one-off indulgence and I have stocked up my inventory of weapons to tackle the upcoming exams...no weapons of mass destruction...juz enough to counter e Z-monster and get tt rush of blood through e brain when it's nearly drying up...

4 x bottles of chicken essence
1 x big packet of 72 banana-flavoured cream biscuits (12 eaten)
1 x big packet of blackforest-cream layered cake (2 packets eaten)
1 x POST fruity pebbles cereal
1 x 1L UHT low fat milk
8 x japan-home mini 180ml bottled drinks (in pineapple and orange flavours)
1 x roll of digestive biscuits
1 x big packet Nescafe 3 in 1
40 x sachets authentic Japanese Green Tea
1 x bottle of sake (half drunk by roomie)
10 x packet instant noodles
1 x loaf of bread
1 x can Ayam brand plain tuna
1 x can Campbell Soup
1 x violin for de-stressing
Lots of Meiji chocolates and sweets and durian cake...
(maciam preparing for WAR!!)

n with some influences from NS:
2 x 1.5L water bottle (hydration is important)
7 hours of sleep everyday (as per SAF doctrine)

And here's my planned timetable (subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances such as a feroci0us attack of the Z-monster or a hard drive crash in the brain)...

7/11 - Finish CPE101 a.k.a electronic principles revision of notes and tutorials
8/11 - Finish AT LEAST 2 past year CPE101 exam papers
9/11 (911?!?) - Finish up CPE 102 Assignment 2/Finish HE191 a.k.a economics revision of notes and tutorials
10/11 - Finish up CPE 102 Assignment 2 lab report/ Finish AT LEAST 2 papers of HE191 past year exam papers
11/11 - Start on EE8084 (cyber security) revision cards
12/11 - 13/11 - Finish up revision cards of EE8084/Start Revision of CPE102 (Intro to programming)
14/11 - FINAL Revision of CPE101/HE191
15/11 - HE191 paper
16/11 - CPE101 paper
17/11 - 21/11 - Finish up EE8084/CPE 102 revision/past-year exam papers||(optional) Start on CPE103 (Math) exam papers
22/11 - EE8084 paper
23/11 - 26/11 - Final Revision for CPE102||Finish revision/past-year exam paper for CPE103
27/11 - CPE 102 paper
28/11 - Final Revision for CPE103
29/11 - CPE103 paper
30/11 - slack/look through HW110 (Y EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION paper on e last day of exams?!?!?!?)
1/12 - HW110 paper
4/12 - Work

GD LUCK to every1 for e exams!! gAmBaTe!!!

P.S. ORD loh!!! hey all u bitches who ORD liaozz...jio me out go makan or mahjong someday!! (pls take note of my exam schedule thou...dun ask me out 1 day b4 paper!!!) Enjoy ya freedom man!! m|ss u guys!

P.S.S. hey nicky pls send me e dNd photos thanx!!