s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Hmmmzz we are officially into e 2nd day of "school holidays" le...yeah "school holidays"...u know i remember when we were kids...we were like "YEAH!! E school hols r here...it's time to relaxing and play like mad!" Not tt we needed e hols to play like mad at that time...everyday at school was a day of so much joy n madness tt sometimes I wondered if e school hols might actually have been for our beloved and benevolent teachers to get a tighter hold on their heads by spending some time away from us screaming mischievous brats...doesn't help if u r in a boy's school tt seems like they r housing a whole zoo of monkeys instead...who is often monkeying around n getting into monkey business...yeah u get e idea=> anyway back to school holidays...now at e legal age of watching M18 movies n wif e licence to smoke n drink...when we have hols...we go "YEAH!! E school hols r here...Finally got time to mug to score well for block test!" Yeah 4 those who can't see e difference...they r either those who enjoy mugging or those who dun mug at all...so yeah e school holidays r seriously an oxymoron 4 most of us...Of cuz having a study break to study well for block test is gd stuff n can be a major influence on block test results...but still yeah i really do hope to spend real "holidays"...really relaxing 1z...hmmzz shall not say too much since i'm taking only 3 subs...but yeah lotsa of my classmates have already started mugging from like ?!?SATURDAY?!?...I know JX is enjoying herself thou=> Hope to meet up wif Shiqin n lao3 bu4 [I'm sorry i haben been filial=(] n e montfort guys during this hols...I'm really neglecting some of my old frenz=<...N Of cuz not forgetting to go on a few dates wif Sin Yee too!=> *sigh* hmmzz haben really been spending some quality time wif her=<< I muz study as hard as possible so tt can finish studying early den got time to take her out...as well as do well in block test too!=>

So Yeah...Here is wishing everybody Happy Holidays! Do give e word its 2 cents worth of meaning...cuz life's worth enjoying!=>

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Today had half day in sch...or rather in my case it was more like full-day...hahaz lee-ster couldn't make it for first period tut n I had 3 breaks b4 e end of school...so yeah didn't do any work at all!! ARGHZ! feel so unaccomplished...u know...e feeling when u got so much work to do but u really can't get down to doing it due to various reasons (Slackness: 98%, fat|gue: 1.99%, Not Smart Enough 0.01% No Time: Tend towards Zero) so yeah really got to get down to some serious work...I'm aiming for at least 2As and a C and a B3 in GP...hmmmzz quite a v realistic target right? I think it is...I mean it's not as if I dun have e ability plus it's really tt close to prelims I gotta aim higher a bit to give me a gd confidence boost in time for e real big-time stuff...

Went K-Box wif Nic n Kelvin n ~surprise surprise~ Hu|y|ng! hahaz she was juz tagging along i guess...too bad she didn't really sing dere...otherwise i prob got lots more stuff to blog le:p As usual Kelvin was irritating her dere ah...Nic n I were like constantly nudging each other n giving each other e *hey hey juz look at dem=p* look...seriously I think they had e most fun today...yeah n it juz convinces me more tt they r cou*** material=p it's hard to really say wat makes me feel tt...but u juz have to look at dem n u'll know...

Oh n Nic nope i'm not gonna go K-Box tml again!! tiring...hahaz u r a K-Box freak:p...hope ya voucher is still valid thou...den u can treat us next time to e longer 2-7 slot...=>

Had roti prata wif Sin Yee today...really long time nvr eat prata le...*yummy*!!n I still think e prata n teh tarik dere is still e best tt I have eaten so far...hahaz prata is 1 of those fabulous foods tt I have an affinity wif...would gladly make it my staple food...u know like how pple eat rice n noodles wif dishes...yup prata would be my choice!!=> n I'll gladly exercise more juz to ensure e fats dun get to me...

hahaz speaking of fats I have to admit tt actually my appearance has a certain amount of influence on my confidence factor...not tt I look terribly gd or have any well-defined packs to show off (got not so well-defined 1z lah=p)...but den I do want to portray myself as a healthy individual with an active lifestyle n I guess it's partly bcuz of this tt's yz I really love exercising so much=> quite sensitive to flab too...dun wanna look too *properous*...hope to work out a gym and exercise schedule during e hols to make up 4 e lack of exercise after season...

hmmmzz Majest|a is tml...All e best to all 5 band members in our class muz j|a1 you2 wor! hehez esp. to u dear...after all e hard work your have put in I'm sure it'll be a fabulous concert!=>

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Whoo...juz collected my pay today!!=> Wah 2 n a half hundred dollars neh...hahaz juz in time for e holiday season n my m'sia trip where I could really rock e house wif some great shopping! hahaz Wanna see if dere r nice n cheap matching sandals tt I can buy wif Sin Yee in M'sia...we've been hitting on e idea for quite some time le but a combination of lack of a) time b) money c) nice matching sandals hasn't really helped...anybody who got this lobang do tell me! hehez anyway sortuv pampered myself by buying a comic book...but guess it's just rewards for 4 days of hard work in a month right?=p settled my bad debts wif Uncle Matthew too...which means better luck 4 mahjong...which means I CAN MAKE MY MONEY GROW!! Wahahahaz (tt's provided Zurong's Mum dun play n I'm lucky if not I'm better off putting it in a bank to earn interest rates or buy bonds to sell off later) yeah thinking of getting an mp3 player from e Creative Warehouse Sale too...but guess it's not really worth it buying it yaself when act u could persuade ya parents to buy it for u when they r in a gd mood...Hmmmzz yeah watever lah think I'll juz bring Sin Yee out for a gd treat den see how...hehez guess when u have extra cash on hand u tend to spoil ya loved 1s=p

Hmmmzz juz packed my comic books in my cupboard juz realized I really have a humongous collection of comics! According to my estimated calculations...think I got like more than $1000 worth of comics lor...madness if my parents ever knew my stash n tt they cost so much, they r really gonna strangle e life out of me! Think I'll give some away ba4...I've got Slamdunk, Dear Boys Part 1, Ayashi No Ceres, Hikaru No Go, The files of Kindaichi, LOve Hina (gave it to my cousin le) n this set of intriguing san1 guo3 comics tt that is not complete (cuz e series haven finish)...hmmmzz yeah anybody wanna these comics can tell me...I really need to clear a bit of space in my cupboard...thou it'll be appreciated if your dun be free riders n at least offer a nominal fee for e comics=p

Went harmonica concert on Sunday it wasn't too bad lah to say e least...e songs belted out were mainly popular classics or pop or catchy tunes so it helped lighten up e concert up a bit...cuz eh *sorry* to say...e harmonica is juz a tad bland...was a bit amused by e huge bass harmonicas e guy playing it looked like he was eating a huge maize while another looked like he was munching on a hamburger...E conductor stole e show wif his solo performance thou i guess...really intrigued by his superb technique n execution...guess tt was e main attraction of e show ba4...

Soccer finals went 4-1 congrats to dem...*sigh* a bit sad I had to miss out on all e action...shan't say too much since i think lotsa pple will be blogging bout it but well really happy for dem cuz I know e feeling of how after all e sacrifice n hard work put into training u really wish u could actually come back wif sth tt acknowledges ya efforts...n tt goes double 4 e soccer guys...whose effort can't be faulted...who else runs like 10k every training? sheer madness...so gd job guys n all e best to the other CCA finals too...

yup my mum's nagging me to sleep le...so n|tez!=>

Sunday, May 23, 2004

h|yo d|ary...hey e infusia concert finally over le!=> hmmmzz guess e more significant meaning of tt sentence is wat Sherman said, no more practice le! hehez not tt we practised much anyway...we went like 3 sessions of SE n 3 rehersals only before e concert?!? Yeah but to say e least...e overall experience was gd lah and not e dreary n bor|ng stuff tt I thot it out to be...got to constantly horse around wif Sherman during rehersals (juz like in e old sec days)...e overall music was gd (esp. e combined pieces wif CO)...n I got to know nice guys like Xiao Xin n Shawn n e TSD gal (4got her name!) Playing violin in a group is also quite fun too...e music's a lot better...n of cuz u can get away wif more mistakes cuz dere r many pple playing!:p hmmmzz I would like to give a special mention to e CO conductor...he's made e experience for everybody tt bit more pleasant wif his constant humour during practices n rehersals...n seriously he is 1 heck of a gd conductor...e success of e concert was largely bcuz of him...he really brought out e best in us n his antics during e concert really brought huge laughs to the audience...n i think it'll be those moments of humour tt e concert will be remembered 4...saw him waiting for a taxi after e concert...really wanted to praise him 4 a job well done...but in e end we merely exchanged greetings (too pai se lah i think cuz i didn't know him tt well) but e next time i see him i promise to convey my message to him...he is already a bit like a music icon in my mind already:p

Also want to give special mention to Sin Yee's encouragement cookie...Dear e cookie was DELICIOUS *yummy* n of cuz not forgetting all e care n love tt went inside which made e cookie all e more sweeter=) Mabel surprised me wif a nice pink rose too...thanx...only prob was I didn't quite know wat to do wif it after I got home!=p (my mum has put it in a bottle 4 me)

Time to catch up on my tutorials le...cuz now I really have nothing on hand apart from studies...I could really use a few contagious hardworking bugs flying around sia...esp. those from Yos Pang!! She sometimes finishes her tutorial even before e lec teach finish! seriously quite shen2...*sigh* like wat Sin Yee said...dere's really no excuse 4 me not to be able to keep up wif e tutorials in class esp. now when I'm only doing 3 subs...so yup i will promise 2 work extra hard in e final week of sch!=)

Looking 4ward to band concert now...Sin Yee said it's gonna be loads of fun n i sure dun wanna miss it=>

Friday, May 14, 2004

h|yo boyz n gals, man and beasts, the living and the non-living...let me present to you a recent major phenomena...my blog is re-launched!! Wahhahaz excited not? Your had better be...for if u dun...I can't be bothered anyway:p hahaz I 4 1 am quite excited lah...long time since I blog le neh...however, got some expectations 4 this 1...really wanna a layout tt I really like n wun change in millenias...I'm real fussy over blog layouts n I wun blog unless I absolutely like the layout...but yeah dun really have any ideas in mind at e moment so think u can expect some real heavy maintenance work over here for the next few weeks *be careful of falling debris*! =p

~Phew~ It has been sortuv real hectic e last few days or so, n bear in mind tt I'm not even a 4 subber n i'm not taking History either...so yeah congrats to all who made it thru this week still in a ~SANE state of mind~=> hahaz I've gotta catch up on all my back-log tutorials neh (esp. Math n econs)=p...this week hasn't been real productive cuz I'm feeling unusually fatigued...it's a mere chore to even keep my eyes open during lessons...I think it has something to do wif my sweaty palms prob but hope it isn't as serious as before...*sigh* tsk tsk only myself to blame for not watching my diet...think I'll see e doc today...n well cold stuff's definitely out for me for e whole of this month *no desserts n ice cream*=(

Went with Sin Yee go Soup House at Raffles City Shopping Centre today...hahz so dumb 4got it is at City Hall and I was ALL prepared to go Raffles Place...think Sin Yee got stunned when I suddenly walk into e MRT at City Hall=p Anyway tt place is a real cosy little place...thou I wish it were bigger and got more of e nice couches=) We had this clam chowder in bread bowl...well, e clam chowder wasn't too bad...reminds me of expensive campbell soup(cost $7.50)...but e bread was e fascinating part...it was literally in e shape of a bowl...n well after u finish e soup u can cut up ya bowl and eat e yummy grain bread=> Hahaz Nic should like tt place..it belts out classics tt he juz loves and it's not esp. crowded...will make a gd place for *ahem ahem*=p hehez

Life has been real gd...n I wish nothing will ever change...

~Sweet Dreams to All~