s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

h|yo peepz...long time since I blog...hahaz shows tt I was mugging kz?:P hahaz as usual crammed most of e stuff into e last week of holidays...it was quite an enlightening experience...every now n den u find notes tt seem vaguely familiar...n some even worse totally nvr see b4 de! shan't say much lah...but so far Maths is fine...it better be since I spent e longest time on it!! Physics...hahaz was relaxing lah...cuz after finish half e paper I know confirm jiu4 shi4 go "R" already...so no stress 4 e other half...got break tml...shall put in some badly needed sleeping hours...

hmmmzz since Internet is such a global tool juz wanna leave a msg 4 George Bush...
"Bombing for peace is just like f**king for virginity"
I for 1...can't tolerate ya bulls**T

Friday, June 18, 2004

Hahaz yesterday was class outing at Sentosa Day!...bout 10 pple went...Got Me Sin Yee Mabel Bryan Ben Foo Justin Lyndon Glenda Eugene Vanessa Loyalle n surprise surprise Mr. NG was dere too!=> hahaz yeah our beloved CT...e last time we invited him he msg say he was too lazy to get out of bed (at 11a.m.!!) so we were really amazed when he was e first 1 dere...n e only person tt was early too!:) Did e usual stuff tt we always do at Sentosa...play lotsa volleyball...played some soccer against another bunch of guys...they were pro...we lost 2-0 after juz 10 mins...den me n Lyndon were swimming in e floats whilst e rest was kayaking...we made quite a spectacle i think...lyndon was pointing out juz how many pple took a second look at us 2 idiotic guys floating around in a tyre like some shipwreck survivor=p hahaz dont't really care much thou...it was relaxing! played our v own water captain ball invented by our beloved 03s62 on e last sentosa trip...it was great fun! hahaz most of e fun n laughter muz largely attribute to e Sin-bel (Sin Yee n Mabel) combination...dun see dem small small but they compress lotsa energy inside those little frames man! provided all e laughs wif their funny antics...n lotsa screams too *OUCH!*=p hahaz hmmmzz lazy to write everything down here lah...but it was gd fun...oh n this is e first time i return home from sentosa without getting roasted like some bak kwa...all thanx to e sunblock=> no more painful aloe vera treatment!:)

hmmmzz lazy to blog anymore bout sentosa le lah got so much stuff...juz enjoy can le...anyone want to see pics can link to loyalle's website...cya

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Hahaz feeling in a gd mood today I made spaghetti today for dinner!=>...finally putting gd my promise to seriously brush up my culinary skills...Was Partly inspired by "Martin Yan's-Chinatown" cooking programme I guess...n of cuz his famous slogan...*Hey If Yan can cook, SO CAN U!* Not tt I actually believe him thou...juz look at e way he chop stuff...even faster than e way i play masak masak last time! bet loansharks see le also scared...hahaz anyway heard e spaghetti was damn gd (my parents said so)...oh yeah...Yan can cook...BEN also can cook!=>

Hmmzz went pilot test yesterday...was a bit like e MAPAS test we took during e medical checkup...but this 1z got other stuff like joystick n e heel rudder...did ok 4 most parts except e joystick parts...juz can't seem to control it properly cuz e orientation of e joystick totally reversed (front means back,left means right,vice versa) got 1 part even had to move joystick n solve arithmetic qs at e same time! quite mind-boggling...hahaz kai yuen later told me shijin juz turnt e joystick around 4 e test....(SMaRt*)

After pilot test went bball bbq at zh's house wif Sin Yee...went dere den realised zh ask pple bring their gals is cuz so tt Kim wun be suspected...hahaz shrewd! e food dere was gd! esp e bbq sambal and prawns and sotong...they tasted heavenly man...couldn't get enough of it hahaz think Sin Yee felt e same way cuz she tried cooking chilli prawns by herself today! *sigh* I tried too actually but found tt got no Hoi Sin sauce at home=( hmmmzz a bit sad coudn't stay overnight to play mahjong...but oh well...

Monday, June 14, 2004

Hmmmzz kz come to think of it dere were still a few gd things tt happened today n i thank God 4 it...

4.15 p.m.: Bought a pair of berms at Baleno...hahaz seriously nice!=> Well worth my 19 bucks...

9.00 p.m.: Finished revising integration le...hey it's not so difficult after all!=> sometimes I muz say...if u can really convert n focus ya negative feelings n energy into sth +ve...Goodness me it can be a really powerful tool...

going for pilot test tml in e afternoon...heard from my mummy it's quite fun (n cold) dere...hehez wonder if I do well den I can transfer to e air force from e army?:p Air force seems more challenging...n Sin Yee's been harping recently on Zoe Tay's wedding on how it was so seh cuz she n her pilot husband had a really grand n prestigious formal ceremony graced by e air force (e part where they walked down e red carpet n all e guards of honour raised their swords)...hahaz hey I'm juz taking my first stop towards dere man!=>

Today totally stank...
9.00a.m.: "tu tu,, tu tu" *France 2-1 England* Sigh lost another 5 bucks to Nic...If this goes on I wun last to e Euro semis man:p

12.30p.m.: Bought New Paper...*France 2-1 England*
Lampard (ENG) 38th min; Zidane (FRA) 90th min, 90+2min (pen); Beckham (ENG) miss penalty (72nd min) wat e heck! England were winning till they kayu e last 2 mins! Arghz...if i had watched e match...I'd have been tearing my freaking hair out n cursing n swearing...mebbe it's a sign tt I shud stop betting:p

1.10p.m.: Reached School...waited for Sin Yee...but she already arranged study date wif her band members le...*Sigh* Me n my stupid idea of wanting to give her a surprise...walked to Parkway after tt...

3.00p.m.: Reached Tampines hoping to catch a movie...*sigh* no nice new movies to watch...thot of fishing at Changi Village but weather was too damn hot...Juz realized the other purpose of going to sch was to return my library book! Rats it's a week overdue le...Too lazy to return to sch...

4.00p.m.: Went Samuel n Calvin to look for bermudas because they were having cheap sale...All bottoms for $19...was trying some on when e sole of my sandals totally dropped out...ripped it off n juz walked on e sponge cushion...glad no one noticed...Getting pissed le...

5.00p.m.: Reached home...some bird flew in from the service balcony n ransacked our kitchen garbage! Rubbish all over e floor!!!! !@#$%^&*...spent half an hour cleaning e kitchen...Cursed and swear e rest of e hour...

Yup not a day worth mentioning...still feeling real screwed up...e best thing to do on a day like tt is juz to stay home n sleep...

Thursday, June 10, 2004

h|yo d|ar|ez...went to watch Harry Potter wif Sin Yee today...hmmmzz not a bad show actually...hahaz remember I was a kid I used to like these kinda books turned movie kinda movies...den when a certain part tt I recalled came...den I'll juz go "Mum...Hey I know this part! I read it in e book!" den I'll juz go blah blah blah...n so on n so on till I can't remember other parts...which thankfully wasn't a lot...Imagine if right now I was this brainy kid who had juz read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban n my mum brought me to e movie...Den I go "Hey Mum...I know this part! I read it in e book! n den "blah blah blah" e entire movie out before each scene..."!@#$%^&* freaking wasted my $39.90 on tt stupid book HP & Prisoner of Azkaban...now also can't watch e movie in peace"...come to think of it...it's really gonna hurt book sales too...but J.K. Rowling muz feel e same way as e mum...

Hmmmzz sin yee went shopping yesterday...bought lotsa stuff at gd discounted prices...mummy pay some more...so jealous! Muz one day drag my mummy go out shopping wif me too...*Mummy I'd like this bag and this and this pants and mebbe an mp3 player n digi camera n blah blah blah* hope u'll be reading tis mum hahaz=p anyway e black sweater tt she wore today was gorgeous...& she bought it for only 19 bucks...nice=> n u know wat...u readers CAN GET IT TOO...with some exclusive tips from me! This is only a 1-time limited offer especially for gals who r desperately needing a good n cheap sweater or guys who do not have holiday allowance n r desperately needing to find an inexpensive yet quality gift for their increasingly demanding galfrenz or mothers...
Solution (1): Please pay more attention to GSS bargains on e newspaper everyday...
Solution (2): Please send your cheque or money-order of US$5.99 (excluding GST) to e following address: INEEDASWEATER.COM company P.0.BOX 3.141592654 People's Republic of India...u will get a letter containing all e info u need...u may request half of your payment refunded shud your letter not come within a year...
Solution (3): U can go to Baleno@PS n try ya luck if u can find it...
More bargains coming up in our next entry...so stay tuned!=>

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

hahaz these adverts r really cute...go see dem!=>


hahaz slacked e whole of yesterday n today I'm really scr**ing up my whole hols schedule...Really gotta pick up e slack e next few days...to think I was so proud tt I did quite a bit of work during my trip to M'sia...hahz muz practise my violin lotsa too!

Today went to watch Best Bet...hahaz no surprises lah e movie is still 100% Jack Neo style...e same actors (Mark Lee, Liu Qian Yi etc.), same medium of communication (HOKK|EN!), same style of humour (FUNNY!=>), same producer (Raintree Pictures) etcetc....so yeah if u understand a splattering of Hokkien wif some tolerance for crude humour (got not so crude humour too) this show is a sure hit wif u man...hmmmzz e dialect part is quite important cuz tt's where most of e humour lies...no kick reading e subtitles...den when I was watching e show halfway this senior citizen in front of me actually received a call (unsilent mode) from someone asking him if he wanted to buy 4-D...hahaz real funny...den he was talking so loudly everybody know wat numbers he buying also...den in e end he ended by saying "Haha Fa1 Da4 cai2" ah! Wah e whole cinema stunned den all started laughing...after e movie i realized half e pple in dere were senior citizens...

Hmmmzz but actually e show a bit exaggerated...Jack meant to highlight e ills of gambling in Singapore but dun think excessive gambling is really a social problem in Singapore...at least not in the sense of buying 4-D...I mean if u go casino n come back naked den nothing to say lah...but losing ya fortune on 4-D...not v likely lah...pple who bet heavily may have tighter pockets as a result of gambling but I'm sure they still have enough to feed themselves...As long as one gambles in controlled amounts...there is no reason yz pple shudn't gamble...I mean it generates tax revenue...it will make a few lucky winners happy...some industries even thrive on it! (u think horse racing can survive without bookie money meh? where e jockeys gonna find jobs?) Gambling is juz a form of spending...pple spend this money to thrill, to entertain themselves as well as buy them a hope of getting fast money...i'd think it's very much like investments, in fact it is...juz tt it's a different type of gamble...we gamble almost every moment of our life...when we decide whether to buy sth...when we decide whether we shud cross a busy road(not gd gamble!)...whether we shud skip a topic for test den pray hard hard it dun come out(dun tell me your nvr do tt)...so yeah we gamble all e time there's no reason to stop at e lottery? Pple only get harmed when they deal in excessive gambling...which means they continue to gamble even thou they have lost their capital in the hope of winning it back...this is because after u lose ya capital e risk of gambling becomes so much higher (juz like investments u know, risk calculation) tt it's better to keep ya pockets n not dip into the loanshark's 1...if u abide by ya conscience n dun be greedy dere's no way gambling's gonna kill u...Do remember tt! Best is still dun gamble lah...=>

hahaz hmmmzz going to watch Harry Potter wif Sin Yee tml...really looking forward to it...she got a free tic too...shall ask her subsidise a bit of my tic=p hahaz I'm such a badd|e bf=p Going to sleep le...wake up early do some work tml...n|tez!

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Back from M'sia le! yeah finally can sleep in comfort at night without some pesky bugs distracting me at ungodly hours...hahz e mosquitoes dere r seriously annoying...they constantly buzz in ya ears making a great entrance as thou they r saying "Hey bro, Would u take pity on a starving mosquito n be so kind as to make a bloody donation?"...actually I wouldn't have mind taking pity on a coupla poor mosquitoes...but goodness it seems like it's like Lady's Night every night...I've got at least 10 over bites all over my body! Too bad they didn't have tabasco sauce dere...(u know e advert on tv)...if only e advert were true...I'd be having fun everyday kicking some bloodsucker's ass everyday man!

hahaz apart from some sleep deprivation e trip was quite fun thou=> went lotsa places...went pulau ketam sight-seeing (crab island), some seaside to fly kite(can't remember wat name was e seaside but it was super windy!) quite fun...den went this fishing park...they had a fishing competition n it was really eye-boggling...e size of those fish...1st prize was 16kg! got some great fishing tips from my uncle too...hope to go fishing 1 day!=> den we also went to this coconut flower restaurant eat seafood...not my first time dere actually...but really i can't get enough of their superb coconut wine! hahz too bad e coconut in it spoils within a day...if not I'll have packet like 10 bottles back everyday drink=p e seafood dere's great too...hmmmzz lazy to write everything down in detail now...mebbe e next few entries ba4...

Watched Shrek II wif Sin Yee on Thur...n some of her band mates...wanted to watch troy actually but it was sold out...nvm i bought e DVD in m'sia le...hahaz anyway shrek II is a super funny show...Puss in Boots is my fav character in e show! He is really super super cute...really funny esp. when he gives e *pitiful* look...den Shrek was like "Orh, I juz have to bring him along" den he really annoyed donkey e whole way...v funny! Hahaz...muz watch 4 those who haben...v worth it...=>

Hmmzz 11 le...think I'll juz make some small talk wif Sin Yee b4 going to sleep...n|tez everyone!=>