s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, September 30, 2004

I am feeling rather distracted and anti-social lately...e kind where u juz keep to yourself and dun wish anybody to bug u...n u tend to feel listless at most times n juz slack around aimlessly for e sake of whiling time away...anyway it's not gd cuz it's stalling my efforts to get into "WORK" mode...I wish I was like a machine where u can literally change modes by juz a mere flick of a switch but yeah it's juz too bad I'm human...anyway I seriously need to get into work mode because I did next to nothing for prelims it's high time tt I did sth to catch up wif e others who r making me look bad wif all their "A"s...Hmmmzz but again since I've been slacking around aimlessly like I have for e last 2-3 months...wat's a few more days?=p I guess there really isn't much to choose considering in this instance there is only 1 right path...but yet somehow I'd really want to see wat lies along this other less-trodden path...I guess curiosity kills a few cats from time to time...but I have precious little to live for anyway...

Went cycling yesterday...sneaked out during my 3-period break n went to e park to rent a bike...hahaz it's been long time since I went cycling...n it was fun!=> Weather was perfect...the rain had juz stopped and it was extremely breezy n it was juz wonderful feeling e wind beating down on ya face...got a bit ambitious and cycled all the way to the National Sailing Centre...which ended in disaster as it started raining again n i had to rush all e way back...got soaked real bad...

hmmmzz nothing much unusual today...except tt e table tennis table at Caleb's church collapsed when we were playing halfway...n we vowed nvr to go back again (too pai se)

Loyalle's treating me to lunch tml...going to be interesting *sly grin*

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

hmmmzz today totally pissed Caleb off...me sherm joshua shane ying were at his church playing table tennis...he originally wanted to join us after his lessons...but den Sherm n Joshua decided to play a prank on him...when he called to ask where we are...sherm n joshua said tt we were all at his house running riot n surfing porn...he called home to check den his mum picked up n told him to go home immediately...so he couldn't play table tennis wif us=p bet he's still fuming now *oops*

today is Lantern Festival!! Hmmzz I prefer to call it mooncake festival actually cuz tt's all tt this day really means to me...MOONCAKES!! *drools* didn't really eat as much as e last few years thou...e festive mood ain't really dere...but e moon is really round n beautiful now...Ad|oS to Chang Er!=>

heard some interesting stuff today...not exactly unexpected but still a little surprised...

Monday, September 27, 2004

wah damn s|anzz juz now d/l e v1.17 Warcraft patch...den realised tt I cannot patch it because I'm using a pirated version of warcraft!! wth...to think I was so looking forward to it=< wasted all of 20 mins d/l e 36MB patch...seems like I'm stuck wif lanning for e time being till I find a way to kop an original warcraft CD...

Joshua said tt mebbe DSC's organising a Warcraft tournament...gd chance to earn house points!!=p hahaz hope I'm up to scratch man dun wanna too malu...gonna practise till I can whack insane com effortlessly=p

Hmmmzz Everton beat Portsmouth 1-0 courtesy of an 80th min goal...so well...wasn't able to capitalise on mahjong earnings *shrugs* hahaz think I'll lay off for e next few weeks I'm seriously not in form...

Today watched New Police Story wif Nic n Kelvin...hmmmzz it's a really really gd show!! so much so tt I really wished it didn't need to end so fast=p (dun be mistaken it's a 2 hour show)...like typical Jackie Chan style this show promises some really awesome non-stop action but wat really adds value to e show is its fair share of hilarious moments=p so catch it...hahaz in e mood for movies now think I'll go watch Harold n Kumar goes to White Castle tml before it closes...

Hmmzz juz realised I haben wrote about e Chinatown trip...it was seriously a stomach-filling experience...literally pigging out!! watever stomach space we had we juz stuffed it wif some of e great stuff dere...still had a great many shops tt we've yet to try when we left=p...anyway Teo intro me to some weird stuff dere...got this dish called zhu1 rou4 dong4...basically it's a plate of jelly sticks tt contain pieces of pork in it n it's served wif ice n eaten as a cold dish...later den I found out tt actually e jelly-like stuff is actually pig skin boiled down to liquid form n chilled to jelly form!! *Yuk* apparently it used to be eaten by those Chinese who were too poor to afford meat so they made do wif e zhu1 rou4 dong4...hahaz anyway I'm not gonna try tt e next time I go dere...

Sunday, September 26, 2004

hahaz heard some great news today...it's really been a while since i've heard any news of this sort...=p hahaz anyway juz wanna say u deserve it man Peng...all e best n keep me regularly updated wor...like tt me n Jx can have a gd chat n laugh on e bus about both of u=p

Went Zurong's house play mahjong today...not bad I was e big winner this time...won $8.60!!=> hmmmzz dunno it was coincidence or wat but actually I was losing 20 cents de4...den I was making some big combi but den e rest guard me v tightly...when I was about to give up Nic suddenly called n e next moment I got e tile tt I needed n I won 10 bucks in tt single round=> hahaz amazing...next time when I making a big combi I shall msg him to phone me...hmmmzz aside from mahjong also wanna say Zurong's Mum is a great cook! today eat e chicken cooked in dark soy sauce n brandy eat until quite shiok...

hmmmzz Ah Peng asked me on e bus juz now if I now have someone new in mind...kinda unexpected q...at least not from Peng anyway...who is a person tt normally errs on e side of caution which makes him unlikely to bring up such a topic...anyway I'm thankful for his concern...but den I dun have e heart to throw out e baggage juz yet...it hurts to keep dem...but these memories tt I've salvaged r all I have left...n I wanna relive everyone of dem before they fade away permanently...it hurts...but pain can be a great feeling...

Friday, September 24, 2004

LAN these few days have been v fruitful...it seems we r making vast improvements in warcraft...really happy cuz warcraft is juz not fun if u keep losing lah...learnt lotsa stuff from e 4 jokers who nvr fail to LAN everyday...esp. Shermy...always employing gay tactics like mass bats to kill opponents...=p

Teo is bringing me to Chinatown to eat tml...to sample authentic teochew cuisine...apparently he said tt since I was interested in Oriental cuisine...I've got to start to learn how to taste n differentiate e different styles in Oriental cooking as well as identify certain ingredients in it...n since he n I r Teochew so we juz start wif Teochew cuisine...hahaz...really excited about it...cuz I get to eat gd food (Of CUZ!!=p) n bcuz it's sth tt I really wanna do in e future...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

This week's seriously a lousy week for gambling...today went play mahjong at Peng's house lost 4 bucks...tt makes a nett loss of $20++...if jx had played money I might have lost even more she was quite gd today=> hahaz dunnoz if it's beginner's luck or if she's really tt gd=p hahaz but it was quite fun lah...I was really itching to play mahjong haben touched it in months...looking forward to Sunday's FULL-DAY session WAHAHAZZZ...

Saturday, September 18, 2004

e last few days have been tremendously pleasurable...playing lan (8 hours), table tennis at sherm's house and championship manager on my com...with so much entertainment now...i guess e only thing tt we dun have is e time to enjoy all of dem=p I guess now's not really e time to be doing these things, no matter how little bearing this exams actually have on my "A"s...bcOz I always think tt since they have been dere all these years dere has to be sth beneficial about their existence...but I really don't care now...Mon's e last paper anyway no point thinking bout wat I could n should have done...

went out for dinner didn't get to see Porkball today!!=< *sigh*...not bad she's actually Miss Hong Kong second runner up...saw her younger photos on website act she wasn't tt pretty when she was young...hahaz but she's totally adorable in e show lah...

sometimes it's gd to be forgetful cuz it's easier to forget things tt shud be forgotten...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

...today early morning e first thing I did when I woke up was to read e sports on newspaper...hahaz in case u r wondering yz I would do tt...it juz means I've placed soccer bets!!=> anyway made bout $8 overall...shall treat myself to a little arcade later=> hahaz yeah it's always nice to have juz a little extra cash to indulge yaself in...n a reason to wake up early on Sunday mornings...

anyway more gd news came...in e afternoon CJ called n told me tt all my students have passed their exams...n 2 even passed wif merit!! totally exceeded expectations man...hahaz anyway so happy for dem...and for myself too coz I'm glad I did a decent job on my first teaching job...wouldn't have wanted to disappoint e students as well as their parents who trusted me enough to place their kids in e hands of a guy who doesn't even have e proper paper qualifications to be a violin teacher...yeah hope my own violin results might exceed expectations too so tt I can be formally recognised as a qualified teacher...think my results shud be coming anytime this week...

Arghz...Porkball's Mum got murdered today...so sad...s|gh thot everything will blow over n Porkball n Song Ci could be happily married...hahaz guess they would in e end...but I've to wait till next Sat to find out=<

all e best to those taking prelims...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

hiyo hey e Terminal juz opened today...for those mugging like mad now...make sure u make e Terminal one of e must-watch post prelim movie...hahaz it's really v hilarious...n at certain times quite heartwarming too...n for guys looking for a little eye candy...Catherine Zeta Jones is really striking=> Anyway for those who dunno what this show's about...it's about this guy called Victor Navorski who came to New York from Krakozhia (real country)...but during his flight there was a military coup in his country...and the US would not recognise the new military regime...which meant that he was stateless and could not be let onto States soil because the US law states tt any immigrant stepping into e US must have e proper travel papers which must include a country of origin...so thus he has to stay in e Terminal...n hahaz tt's when all e fun starts...dun believe e straits time rating of 2 1/2 stars it's a great show...

going to Sherm's house again tml to play table tennis=> so looking forward to it...hahaz...Adios...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Went to play table tennis today wif Sherm, Shane, Ying and Joshua at Sherm|e's vo|d deck...hahaz v fun!=> played a bit of bball too wif some Bartley sec pple...before we went there Shane said tt probably 90% of e time we'll be playing and the other 10% would be used for mugging...hahaz he was wrong cuz we played 99% of e time and e other 1% was used for lunch=p I dunno yz those jokers still bother to meet up to study...when sherm and joshua meet up they end up playing lan and when we meet up we'll end up playing lan/table tennis...yeah when me n Shane left they were still playing lah...played for bout 3-4 hours...dead beat...

hmmmzz nobody's blogging lately...s|anzz

Sunday, September 05, 2004

hmmmzz watched Xi3 Yuan1 Lu4 juz now...hahz tt stupid Song Ci is finally together wif Pork Ball after so long!! So happy for them!!!=> It's really a fated match lah...n Pork Ball is really cute=>

This afternoon went Caleb's house play table tennis wif sherman caleb ying...hmmzz it wasn't conventional table tennis we were playing thou...had to use a mini-sized table to play table tennis because the original tables had been thrown away n Caleb didn't know tt...so well it was kinda awkward at fast as e table was really small...but after we adjusted...hahaz it turned out super fun...improved our accuracy too=>

anyway tt's a pic of Pork Ball!!=> sigh not e best pic actually but can't find any more at e moment...but she's pretty yeah?=p anybody else who can find more pics do send me wor!=> real life pics of her will do as well...

my sis bugging me now to play Wheel Of Fortune so she can watch...cya

Friday, September 03, 2004

Today went to watch 13 going on 30...hahaz it's a really funny and sweet show with a fairytale ending...gd stuff for those who r currently disillusioned with their lives n want a little fairytale to add some magic into their lives (esp. during e busy exam period now)=p...but den come to think of it if u r busy preparing for exams den u wouldn't have time to watch a movie already right? yeah so it's a Catch-22...anyway Jennifer Garner is really cute...

After movie went to arcade play some mahjong...hahaz e best thing was tt I didn't need to pay any money!!=p...some guy who was playing halfway had to rush off n he asked me to take over n he accumulated like 60 over credits (1 game is 5 credits)!! so yeah was really lucky...n those 60 credits last me a cool 45 mins...(could have lasted longer if e com will stop cheating)...Played some time-crisis 3 too...Cool...

Was intending to buy a nice and new pencil case today since I'm quite certain I wun find my lost 1 (sigh it was a b-day present from last year some more=()...but den didn't bear to spend e money in e end...juz decided to throw all my stationary in my bag instead...i now have 2 blue G-1s...2 mechanical pencils and an eraser I borrowed from my sister which has e Iraqi flag on it...n 2 plastic rulers one of which I forgot to return to Huiying...

I've finally mastered the Humans in Warcraft...finally defeated Normal com today using humans...YEAH!!...Now I can beat e Normal com using any of e races except Orcs and as long as e com is not using Undead...Yeah e com always kicks my ass with a combination of crypt fiends, ghouls, statues, e lich with frost armor, and e crypt lord...I dunno how e com does it because somehow it juz cannot work for me...though I muz say if I micromanage half as well as Sherman I'd win more than half e battles tt i've lost...

September holidays r here!! I'll go fishing tml...