s|mPLe LoVe (J|an3 Dan1 A|4) +++Strangers are merely family that we have yet to know+++

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Yeah finally back online after a long time!=> Hahz first my damn monitor crashed den after tt went to M'sia for 1 week...well anyway now I've got a new monitor wif better resolution better pictures and better reliability!! All I need now is a brand new super duper powerful CPU so tt I can play all e games I want!!:p

M'sia was fun...(like duh) now I know yz pple like to go for short holidays when they r feeling stressed or unhappy...u feel totally refreshed n motivated when u get back...hmmmzz mostly stayed at my relatives' house...Went to Pangkor for 2 days in between n gosh we returned e day before e tsunami incident...not tt it would really hit pangkor but den we had lotsa beach n snorkelling n stuff n well looking back it's kinda scary...heard Mervin n his family was featured on a full page of e lian2 he2 wan3 bao4 on how they escaped when e tsunami hit phuket...quoting him "We were running our balls off when e tsunami hit phuket..." hahaz I really got to hand it to him...one hell of a joker=>

hmmmzz oh yeah n I have to confess...I gambled a little too much dere...didn't lose much luckily:)

anyway juz a little question on e spiritual side of natural disasters...do natural disasters exist to test e resolve of humanity and rekindle e humanity in us which we often neglect in our daily pursuit of materialism or do they exist to persecute us for having neglected our humanity?

hmmmzz going to watch Kung FU TML!! Yeah! waited damn long to watch it liaozz...

8 more days before going into camp...half looking forward to it...half not...

Friday, December 17, 2004

hmmmzz today went back DHS play juniors...hmmmzz at first we were super lan wor...beginning losing to Daniel's jump shots n stuff like tt...but hahaz but den once we started warming up den started whooping dem upside down liaozz...hahaz today I dominated e centre man...they totally couldn't get any rebounds n stuff...hmmzz ok so I'm taller n stronger than dem..but I'm st|ll v happy=> hahz but den hor they really got to improve a lot this 1 month if they really want to do well in competition...

t|red from e day's exertions...gtg

Thursday, December 16, 2004

today is thursday...1 more week before i go malaysia over e x'mas hols...going some place called Pulau Pangkor to relax...think it's some resort...anyway well it'll probably be after NS before I can go to M'sia to visit my maternal side again...n they always treat me real well=> hahaz will be glad to see dem soon...

Today went to play table tennis wif sherm n shane at Tampines Sports Hall...tried out Sherm's 300 renminbi bat...hahaz not really kinda e bat I like cuz it's almost like a cutter's bat wif lotsuv spin n requires precise control...I'm e impatient type tt likes to play a more direct serve n smack game...hmmmzzz anyway it was a fun day today:)

anyway yesterday was e day tt basketball was invented...113 years ago...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

hmmmzz as expected i failed my violin exams...ha|zzz...haben really told my parents yet but bet they gonna be v disappointed...hahz n i feel guilty to dem too actually...learning violin really not a cheap thing...although i share Ben Foo's views tt u really dun have to go thru ABRSM to be a gd musician...but den i feel mebbe i could have done more to justify the cash tt they've put on me...i mean wif tt sum of money (no kidding it could easily be $7000-8000) they could have easily spent it on sth they liked instead of on me...i haben made any plans if I want to continue taking e exams...hahaz but i definitely will continue to play my violin...thou not as close as ben foo is to his piano...but hahaz my violin is a great soul mate...

fri going back DHS play ball...hahaz so happy dere's nothing better than a real bball competition, however mismatched it may be:p...but actually to be fair to dem i think they shud've improved quite a bit lah...hahaz looking forward to fri!:)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

hmmmzz kz these r e 2 songs on which e original theme of my blog is based on...

Ai Heng Jian Dan

已深深爱上你 真的很简单
没有后悔 为爱日夜去跟随
那个疯狂的人是我 喔~
I LOVE YOU 无法不爱著你 BABY 说你也爱我
I LOVE YOU 永远不愿意 BABY 失去你
不可能更快乐 只要能在一起 做什么都可以
虽然世界变个不停 用最真诚的心 让爱变的简单
I LOVE YOU 我一直在这里 一直在爱你
I LOVE YOU(yes I do)
永远都不放弃 这爱的权利
如果你还有一些困惑 Oh No 请贴著我的心倾听
听我说著爱你(yes I do)我爱你

Jian Dan Ai

说不上为什么 我变得很主动
若爱上一个人 什么都会值得去做
我想大声宣布 对妳依依不舍
河边的风 在吹着头发飘动
牵着妳的手 一阵莫名感动
我想带妳 回我的外婆家
一起看着日落 一直到我们都睡着
我 想带妳骑单车 我 想和妳看棒球 心意
想这样没担忧 唱着歌 一直走
妳 靠着我的肩膀 妳 在我胸口睡着
像这样的生活 我爱妳 妳爱我
想 简!简!单!单! 爱
想 简!简!单!单! 爱

Saturday, December 11, 2004


I guess when u spend 5 hours in the hot afternoon trying to clear out a junkyard tt has 2 years of rubbish a.k.a (my room), it really kinda drains u...

anyway cleared out half my stuff...considering I originally cleared out half my stuff when I first moved here...effectively I have only 1/4 of e original stuff I have left...only prob is tt no matter how mcuh I clear I can't seem to free up any space in my cupboards/shelves/drawers/wardrobes!! anyway I juz realised wat a bookworm I was last time...think dere r about 400+ books in my cupboards alone (OK 100+ r comics)!! hahaz anyway I was a mystery detective story junkie...had LOTSA Sherlock Holmes those kinda books...of cuz I loved e classics too, like Oliver Twist, Great Expectations etc...think almost three-quarters of my books i have passed on to my sis...my mum's nagging her to better start reading during e hols...hahaz *poor gal* but hey when I was her age...I nvr travelled around without at least 2 books in my bag...

Thursday, December 09, 2004

after faithfully following my gym schedule e last couple of days...I realise I would actually really like to be an athlete for a career really...it's juz my kind of thing...a lifestyle tt I really like...n 1 tt I'd spare nothing to strive for excellence...

hmmmzz watched shutter yesterday...it was cool...damn gd show...I really liked it...definitely a few notches higher than ya normal C-grade horror flicks...bcuz e plot was gd...e scenes were real n not exagerrated...n IT was SCARY...cool

hmmmzz anyway I'm getting juz a little discouraged now...i mean...considering she's working almost everyday now except Sunday n it's less than a month before I go in...I really dunno how much sincerity n love I can hope to show her...n will it be enough? hmmmzz I know I've been really lucky to have known n loved her...but can i ask for sth a little more?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

hahaz firstly to my gd frenz Marcel all e best in Jakarta...take care and may we stay in contact!! enjoyed lunch wif u today...

today was another day wif dreary weather...went parkway to eat lunch wif Marcel...made e mistake of choosing to eat pastamania cuz I forgot tt I promised my mum tt I was cooking today n I would be cooking spaghetti...so it's nothing cheesy n tomatoey for me for at least 1 week man! *ugh* hmmmzz anyway spaghetti's kinda easy n fun to make...juz tt lotsa preparation is needed...tml's my turn to cook again since my mum doing OT...hehez muz go think of stuff to cook le!

anyway well sorta had a job applic rejected today...

hmmmzz n hoped *u* enjoyed ya Subway lunch today!=>

Today's 7th Dec...exactly 1 more month left...Ben MUZ jia1 more you2!!! u dun wanna bring any regrets wif u into army...

31 more days...

Monday, December 06, 2004

hmmzz my exercise program for this week has gotten off to a bad start...started raining when I was having breakfast wif Nic before going to school...den saw e bball year 1s training n ended up playing bball instead...did some power runs in e end but it's really a far cry from e 10km run tt I had planned...shall do better tml...juz hope e weather dun quit on me...

played mahjong at Peng's house today...hmmmzz it was really fun...kinda lucky today too...hmmmzz juz hope Jx dun get too discouraged by today yeah? me n peng juz really tyco today lah..not everyday sunday de4...anyway hope u find a nice n gd-paying job soon! I'll keep a lookout...though act i dun really know wat kinda job u want

Saturday, December 04, 2004

hmmmzz I've decided to take down e entry regarding prom as...well...e pple who organised it really worked v hard for it n I guess on my part I was never too enthusiastic bout it either...they prob wun see this but thanx to the organising committee...

This month is gonna be a hectic month for me...have put together a fitness program and diet which I've sworn to abide by...

Monday Wednesday Friday- GYM
100 sit ups
3 sets of 10 bench presses
5 sets of dumbbell training
3 sets of 15 chest expanders
3 sets of e thigh exercises (forget wat it called)
3km treadmill

Tuesday Thursday- 10km morning run (from sch to sailing centre)
Afternoon nap in classroom
5 km afternoon run (if still can tahun)
100 push ups

Diet: at least 2 servings of red meat n eggs a day

hmmmzz today's paper got lotsa debate on e setting up of a casino in Singapore...hahaz i say GO FOR IT MAN!! hmmmzz not bcuz I'm an avid gambler kz (as some pple might think=p)...in fact I dun ever foresee myself in a casino...more like in e thick of queues at e 4-D shop on weekends...anyway to put my stand in a nutshell...I feel Singapore...being an EDUCATED society wif close to 100% literacy rate...their citizens shud have e KNOWLEDGE n WISDOM to be able to EXERCISE DISCRETION on how much they can AFFORD to gamble...I admit dere is concern for pple who r unable to control certain gambling addictions but I feel NOT having a casino is not e solution...n e government has no liability to these pple...e extra funding for community projects is a more urgent need...